View Full Version : tongue and memory.

07-07-09, 00:43
Hi well I seem to be well aware of my tongue it swelling I think, or I've become so fixzated on it. it keeps moving arounds and I don't know how to rest it or take my mind off it. I did have this a while ago I use to sleep trying to hold my tongue with my teeth thinking I was going to swallow it. I know it impossible. So now I'm thinking it swelling instead and may just block my wind pipe. its like it can't fix between my lower teeth cause my teeth keep rubbing it. Oh god it I think I'm losing it thinking like this.
Another big worry is my memory, I find it hard to swallow something I not sure if I forget how to or whether its just hard, due to panic. I put the ice cream in the cuboard and silly things like that. But I was sat on my settee the other day just came bk from the shop watching tele and a wave of panic hit me, I though oh my god this is my house I live here, I'm not living at home and being looked after, I suddenly thought I was a child wanting my mother, not wanted the responsibility. have I got alzemas or am I craving to be looked after.
Also i was in bed a few weeks ago I may have drifted off to sleep I'm not sure, and I suddenly though where am I? Is this my bedroom. These episodes last about 2 mins and do generally happen when my anxiety is high and I can't think straight but is really panicking me.
I'm 23 by the way if it helps with the memory part.
Yesterday I though I need to burn some energy I know I got a bat and ball ill go hit it against the wall now, and the garden image I had in my head was the house I grew up in, I haven't lived there for over 4 or 5 years even my mam has moved out so I don't go there.
I'm afraid to google cause it will say I have alzemas when I might not have. Does anyone else get this?

07-07-09, 21:38
I would be very surprised if you had altziemers at 23!!!!!!!

I think all of this is a symptom of very high anxiety, when I first kicked off with it about 18 months ago I was getting some weird symptoms waking up not sure where I was etc, I remember waking up in the middle of the night and seeing a young man in my bedroom and being frightended, it was my son he had heard me screaming in my sleep obviously having a nightmare and came in to see if I was ok it took me a while to realise who he was that scared me.

I also began to have dreams about my nans house and the house I lived in as a kid. I felt like I was going backwards I used to wake up terrified. Then my mind would race, I was terrified to go to sleep and tried to keep myself awake which made matters worse. I also developed a fear that if I was out and about I would forget who I was and what I was doing, believe me I was absolutely terrified out of my mind, I ended up taking lots of time off work and in the end had to give up my job as my mind was racing 24/7 and I was obsessed with Altzimers or some severe brain disease, I went the docs and was put on citalopram. After a few blips I have been taking 20 mgs as instructed and had CBT and things are greatly improved for me.

Please go and see the dr, I promise you this is nothing sinister and can be all sorted out with treatment and when you calm down and relax I am sure other people on this site can offer you plenty of advice too.

Good Luck
