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07-07-09, 04:10
Hey, yesterday evening i came on with this bad pain in my lower back suddenly. i have no idea why. any ideas on what has caused it? and could it be serious?
please reply ASAP

07-07-09, 09:29
Hey Louise

You could have pulled it. I have had lower back pain forever, mine is directly linked to sciatica in both of my legs. Sometimes the most subtle movements can bring on back pain.
Get it checked out by a Doctor if it continues. Have you got a wheatbag thing you can put in the microwave? Get some heat on it?


07-07-09, 10:08

Normally if the pain comes on instant its to do with a pulled muscle/trapped nerve.

Iburofen/heat or ice pack applied can help BUT as said above check it out with GP just to make sure :winks:


07-07-09, 11:02
i get increased back pain with increased stress levels.. if i have a couple of nights bad sleep where im up with stress ect my back is in agony the next day!

07-07-09, 12:12
I have had lower back pain for months and today I am getting a new bed to see if that helps!

07-07-09, 12:13
Thats my next step Nicola, I am convinced my mattress has alot to do with it. Along with the Fibromyalgia


07-07-09, 13:41
i just had a thought, on sunday at work i had lift really heavy boxes of coke syrup but the pain didn't start till about 24 hours later. do you think it cold be linked to that?
please reply
Luv louise

07-07-09, 13:43
I think so. My dr has told me that often pain from work to which you are unaccustomed can appear up to 4-5 days after the work is done.

Its happened to me.

07-07-09, 17:10
hey again, i have also been getting pain in my leg as well. is that linked to the back pain injury. i'm pretty sure i did it when lifting those heavy boxes as they were really heavy and i don't life them very often even though i didn't get the pain straight away. but i am concered it might be a tumour. do you think its possible?
please reply
luv louise XX

07-07-09, 18:07
No it is not a tumour

08-07-09, 11:44
hey again, i have also been getting pain in my leg as well. is that linked to the back pain injury. i'm pretty sure i did it when lifting those heavy boxes as they were really heavy and i don't life them very often even though i didn't get the pain straight away. but i am concered it might be a tumour. do you think its possible?
please reply
luv louise XX

Even I too had suffered this kind of pains at times. First it will start from your back then it will pass on to other lower parts of the body. Your are experiencing the same kind of issue which I have experienced( after an accident two years before). I suggest you to better consult a physio before it get much worse. Stretch exercises are not a bad option too, you can also seek advice from here http://www.irehab.com (One of my friend suggested this site to me) , I hope this might be helpful to you.

08-07-09, 13:50
its a bit better today but i'm still finding quite difficult to move about. it's not to bad when i'm sitting down though now. i'm supposed to be going away on saturday but i doubt it will be completely better by then. do you think i sould give holiday a miss? i can't beleive this, sunday was my last day in my job and i get left with this stupid injury.

08-07-09, 16:01

If the injury is lower back then yes you can experience leg pain.

Alot of leg pain can radiate from the lower back.

09-07-09, 14:42
hey, just a quick update. well my back still isn't any better and i have had it since monday. i'm supposed to be going away on sat. i can't tell if my back is getting better or not. it's not getting any worse but it doens't seem to be getting considerably better either, it might be getting better very slowly, i'm not sure, i seem to question myself a lot there. any advice? anyone else experience this? i'm terrified i have a tumour, but thats just my HA. i'm sure i read that if you experience pain in legs it could be a tumour.
please reply
Luv Louise