View Full Version : is it just my mind or is it them

07-07-09, 12:00
Could do with a bit of advice. I have had this week off work holiday but had to take my son in for check up this morning. It was awful there were 4 members of staff in and they hardly spoke to me. I felt so upset, dont know why its happening again. In the past iv had some terrible times in there. When i was off sick with depression someone put a complaint in against me and i had to prove she was lying which i did with phone records etc she claimed she had rang me and told me she wasnt coming into work but she hadnt and said i was bullying her and said this thing to her but i wasnt even there that day. Things seemed to get better for a while but its all started again the funny looks leaving me out of conversations and then last week they all went somewhere at lunchtime and just left me behind. My sister in law works there and is being horrible last week she said i know you came in early and only had 20 mins lunch but you cant go early because someone else is. By the way im the manager so my boss dosnt see whats going on when i told him what she had said he said just take 5 mins to calm down. I think there are 2 reasons im not taken seriosly 1 because the manager cant get bullied and 2 they think because i have this illness its all in my mind. I started to think i was imagening it all but im now sure im not. I dont think i can go through all that c--p again

07-07-09, 12:56
by the way last week we had a patient come in who obviously had problems who thought the church and the police we traking her where abouts i gave her the number for mind and my sister in law said yea well you would understand it when you have got and laughed it that hust because iv got anxiety and depression. And one of the other girld said the other day i think ill go to docs say im depressed and stressed then i can have a few weeks off like someone else in here has done.


07-07-09, 13:50

i am so sorry that you have having to go through this, this work situation that you are having to go through is a disgrace, and the person who made the remark about going to the doctors is stupid and ignorant, she obviously has not got a clue what she is taking about.
I really dont know where you stand in terms of what action you can take ,as i have been out of the work place for such a long time, but i do know you dont need to put up with this, they are bullies pure and simple and shouldnt be getting away with this they should be ashamed of themselves, i know you cant possibly get on/like everybody, but telling out and out lies about someone and excluding them is not on.
Perhaps someone who is employed at the moment or has experienced a similar situation could advise you..

I just wanted to let you know that you are right, you are not alone ,and you shouldnt be made to think thats its you that is imagining it just because you have depression/anxiety issues.

Take care

P x :hugs:

07-07-09, 14:27
Thanks for your kind words pollyanna
its just a nightmare at the moment and i know that no one should have to put up with all this s--t at work, but my options seem limited i cant aford to leave and i suspect getting another job with " mental illness" would be difficult and to be honest im scared it could happen somewhere else its just knocked all my self confiedence i didnt realise people could be so cruel
