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View Full Version : Ladies only please. Please help reassure me that I'm not alone

07-07-09, 12:21
After having a good few days and even longer without my really bad head, it has come back today with a vengeance and has thrown me into a full blown panic. I was wondering if any of u ladies get symptoms really bad when you get your period, and what your symptoms are. As it is the first day of my period today I am hoping that what I am feeling is because of that, but my head feels so heavy and I feel very dizzy and faint, I also feel very irritable and want to cry, I am also struggling to finish sentences. I can’t cope with this, how are we ever supposed to know ever again if we have an actual illness or not. I was starting to think that maybe I might be getting this flu, as a girl at work is off with suspected flu at the moment and she was coughing all over the place yesterday, but saying that I don’t have any cold symptoms like sneezing, coughing or sore throat, so am hoping it is all down to my period. If any ladies could let me know of their experiences I would be very grateful, thanks so much.

07-07-09, 12:28
i would say symptoms get worse at periods time and i get a a few off them in the middle of the month. I went to docs kast month in floods of tears thinking it was my age im 40 but he just laughed that off. Being a woman is no fun sometimes lol

07-07-09, 15:29
u are not alone i have just had 2 brill weeks feeling nearly "normal" due on any day now and feel terrible light headed anxious ,forgetful, scared . i am begining to realise hormones play a major part of panic but it doesnt make it any easier feel like back at square one! .
oh to be male :blush:
all the best

07-07-09, 15:32
I'm always worse at that time. I feel awful and my sysptome are a lot more pronounced. It's a pain in the back.......!

07-07-09, 16:03
My anxiety definalty gets out of control around my period. I get nervous, dizzy, extremely tired, irritable, panic attacks, upset stomach, migraines, achey, and sometimes deal with depersonalization issues.... so sorry that we all have to deal with this!

07-07-09, 16:47
I stopped taking depo in March, had my first period for over a year. I am now on my 3rd in 5 weeks!! I didn't think I use to get period pains but have noticed the day or 2 before it starts had back pains, abdo pains and very sensitive boobs.
During my period I have noticed been very very dizzy, stomach pains still, aching legs and very tired. Do you think periods get worse as get older? ANd not quite sure it helps having 3 in 5 weeks especially not having one for so long!!!

07-07-09, 21:58

Definitely notice a peak in symptoms about 10 days to a week before a period, just feel myself going downhill and getting sort of low grade flu symptoms.

I notice these not in any particular order

tiredness which seems to increase as the period gets nearer.
washed out and exhausted
aches and pains in joints and in particular heavy aching boobs
slight headachy feelings
I have had occular migraines in the past and have noticed I tend to be more likely to get them at this time or during a period
forgetful and clumsy tending to drop things and co-ordination goes to pot
lack of concentration
quite short tempered and agitated.
sometimes when provoked I think that I feel like a homocidal maniac or how I perceive a homicidal maniac must think.
when the actual bleed starts I notice that I can feel quite faint and dizzy.

I have had blood tests over the years which have come back fine. Oh and I have also noticed that I get very hot in bed around this time (not the passionate thing, more like hot and sweaty and then I get freezing cold).

It must be great being a fella all they seem to worry about is beer women and football!
