View Full Version : Off to the shrink

07-07-09, 12:48
to confront all those things I'd rather not.

Its bad enough to live thru anxiety, is another thing to have to recount it.

07-07-09, 19:19
So it wasn't bad at all. I described how I'm handling the current increase in my health anxiety and why I think there is an increase.

He said I was correct and I was handling the whole thing properly. He did tell me to not see going to the dr as a failure and to go if my anxiety begins to interfere with my daily life.

Sounds pretty common sense to me.

So I left feeling pretty good. Then I talked to my wife who I love dearly but is one of those calm people who really can't understand anxiety like what I work to keep under control. Let's just say she was less upbeat than the shrink.


Ah well, the course of true love does not always run smooth.

07-07-09, 19:32

Glad it went OK. That does sound pretty much like common sense.

My husband is ultra chilled and laid back. He cannot grasp when I tell him I think I have a blood clot, am having a heart attack, or am about to drop dead. Tells me to chill out.

I am at the doctors every 5 minutes, and he never goes!!

07-07-09, 19:38

Glad it went OK. That does sound pretty much like common sense.

My husband is ultra chilled and laid back. He cannot grasp when I tell him I think I have a blood clot, am having a heart attack, or am about to drop dead. Tells me to chill out.

I am at the doctors every 5 minutes, and he never goes!!


07-07-09, 19:42
My wife is EXACTLY the same way.

Mammogram - I sweat blood, she forgets to call about the results.
Thyroid nodule - I look it up on the 'net, she makes the appointment and goes and forgets about it till the dr calls.
Pap smear - I hold my breath and she doesn't.

aaaaaaaauuuuuuuuugggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!

I know its like trying to explain the color red to a blind person. But for some reason, I keep getting surprised by her reactions.

Ah well - it all adds to the spice of life.