View Full Version : Help need your reassurance

12-09-05, 19:19
Hi everyone,

Ive been doing much better recently with my anxiety..Ive been back to work now for nearly 5 weeks.

But Im still stressing....Im finding that when Im in a situation that I feel 'good' say doing really well anxietywise at work or out and about I start to get a bit hyper...talk a bit too fast...my heart starts racing and I feel shaky...then I start feeling panicky...its really starting to scare me and afraid I wont be able to 'calm myself down'. I think it may just be that Im now pushing myself more.

Also Im now starting to worry Im manic or have something 'more' wrong with me...after years and years of anxiety I still at times cant help but worry its not just anxiety!

Please I would be grateful of your advice.


12-09-05, 19:32

Thats great

Energy follows thought.

If you suddenly think about being scared and dwelling on it, not long behind come the feelings that go with it .

Try reinforcing how great you feel instead.


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

12-09-05, 20:35
Hi loopy, I am the same I feel much better latley and am doing lots of jobs in the garden and home, in fact on the go nearrly all the time untill its to dark to do anymore. But like you I am so hyper with it and realy dont want to stop and rest now I have started. But its much better than how I was done nothing and no interest and to scared to do anything for years. tc. Vernon

13-09-05, 07:25
hi loopy,

i dont think your going mad, if thats what you wanted to hear. its most probably nervous excitement thats speeding you up abit. its hard to go from loads of feelings to none at all and it might take a while for you to calm down.

its good to hear that you are feeling better and well done for getting yourself back into work .. tc andrew