View Full Version : night time panick attacks

07-07-09, 13:54
hi every one can you tell me if im getting panic attacks in the middle of the night i woke up then i got up for a fag iv done this for yrs as soon has i open my eyes i jump up some times twice a night a bad hab i got back in bed then i went red hot and started to sweat even though i had the fan on me i felt really sick and a bit dizzy i had a feeling that a big black angry something was coming over me iv had that feeling before i don't know what that is all bout took me 15 Min's to calm down and get back to sleep

07-07-09, 14:36
Hi i am sorry to hear about that. I have had the same thing happen to me especially when my anxiety was at its worse. I would wake up first of all with a jump and then start shaking and sweating almost every night. Yes i would say you were having a panic attack but its really frightening when that happens as you have no control over it when you are asleep. I do still get this from time to time but not almost every night like i used to do.

07-07-09, 14:49
i find night time panic attacks the worse when you wake up with them for no reason. I was just wondering though di you wake up with it or did it come after you had your fag as it could of been a nicotine rush as i sometimes get a rush after my first fag in the morning

07-07-09, 16:37
iv been haveing a fag in the night for yrs so i dont think it was owt to do with them im going to try and break this bad habit though because i get up sometimes i cant even open my eyes lol

07-07-09, 16:48
I have had this happen about 3 times where I've been woken up by a racing heart. I'm always sound asleep when it happens and but it down to nightmares but its the classic dizzyness, cold sweats and really fast heart which makes me think I've been having panic attacks in my sleep!

The stupid thing is, the only thing that calms me down is going to the kitchen for a glass of water and a cig.

07-07-09, 18:23
I've been having this for the past month or so. I get very hot and wake up breathless , sweaty, fast heart , can't even focus my eyes and VERY VERY tired. All I want to do is sleep again but have to get up half asleep and try to calm or take a valium quickly.

Doc has put me on buspirone but it does nothing neither does propranlolol. The only thing that works is to cool down using cold water and valium.

07-07-09, 21:15
thanks for your replies guys its put my mind at rest a bit its a nightmare when you get woken up like this i would not wish it on my worst enemy if any one wants to pm me feel free