View Full Version : Lack of emotions?

07-07-09, 16:52
I have been suffering from chest pains and panic attacks for 6 months now. It has taken all my energy to deal with them daily. I really don't feel like myself anymore and have become to realise that I seriously lack the ability to feel emotion.

Theres nothing I get excited about or nervous (except the chest pains/panic). Is this depression or just part and parcel of dealing with panic? I feel like a terrible Mum and Wife as my heart just isn't in day to day life.

07-07-09, 17:00
dont worry with all in same boat . you not a bad mum or wife

07-07-09, 17:36
Hello LouiseJane I am not qualified to diagnose whether you have clinical depression or not. Only a doctor or psychiatrist can do that. I am a fellow suffer however. Feeling numb or devoid of emotion is a symptom of depression as are feelings of worthlessness. Having to deal with panic and anxiety on a day to day basis will also leave you feeling tired and exhausted. Have you been to the doctors yet? It would be better if you could take your husband with you so that you can tell them exactly how you feel. The doctor might offer drugs in the short term but hopefully he will offer some support. If this is not the case you could get in touch with your local MIND office for friendly help and advice. I know that you might not feel like taking these small steps to feel better again. Perhaps try to achieve one small task each day until you are feeling better. Dr Weekes books are good for dealing with the panic. Post on here to let us know how you are getting on. Jane.

07-07-09, 19:24
This makes perfect sense, you'r dealing with a relentless physical pain and that is the definition of exhaustion mind, body and soul. No wonder it's drained any passion for life out of you.

I feel like I always make it about me but I do understand as I suffer with O.C.D and it seriously dimishes the quality of life so I know exactly what you mean. Nothing really matters to me, not as much as it used to anyway. I don't get excited abot stuff that everyone else does, I feel like I can't enjoy anything.

I used to think I would never meet a man in a million years and I didn't want to resign myself to that but things have changed, I don't have a partner but there is genuine attraction out there and I'm kind of being courted from a safe distance but the O.C.D ruins it. Now I'm getting neck pains which scare me.

Just do little things like dress up, treat yourself at the end of each week, rent a movie you love. Go on holiday and the feelings will come back gradually. I wish you all the best, your previous lust for life WILL return!

08-07-09, 09:12
Thanks everyone, it's awful to feel like other people have to go through what I do but at the same time, very reassuring. It feels like such a long road but I guess baby steps are the key. I feel like everything depends on my chest pains, if I knew what they were or could get them under control then the panic would ease but a part of me still thinks I'd move on to panic about a rapid beating heart instead!

I have seen a doctor many times over the last 6 months and am waiting on a CT scan and 24 hour event heart monitor so hopefully that might help diagnose what's going on. They have also given me 10mg of amitryptaline which was to see if there was any nerve damage but it has helped calm the panic instead so thats a good thing.

Thank you for all your support.