View Full Version : Doctors appointment scared and very depressed!

07-07-09, 19:20

i have made an appointment at the Dr's on Thursday about my dodgy moles i am in a complete state there is about 6 more against the origional 3 that i am now very concerened about! got my Boyfriend to check them again last night and he said they havent changed! I have googled i know that i shouldnt have but i did and things dont look to good! i have even had a few conversations with my Dr in my head and the outcome isnt promissing! i have to confess that i have now started to try and cut them out but couldnt reach properly! so i just cut my arm instead! the worst thing is i have just found out that my mum is seeing the same doctor straight after me i am sure he is going to tell her that i have melanoma! I know loads of people have moles removed that turn out to be nothing but i just have a gut feeling this is not going to be me! None of my family know how i am and i asked my sister to have a look at the one on my head and she said that i should have it removed! completly freaked out! I know that i am being stupid but i would rather kill myself then have to wait 2 weeks for the resullts i dont know how i am going to tell my family! i havent slept in about 2 weeks (i dont usually sleep well any way) think i am just writing this to vent some of my fustrations! i know anxiety does not stop you from getting cancer or any other illness but some times i wish it would! when i read peoples blogs about skin cancer they were all not really concerned about going to the doctors or the result how can people be like that?
Very Worried and Very sad I just hope i dont bottle out of telling the doctor about my moles! sometimes wish i had some one to confide in and understand me! I have wasted my life worrying only to die of the things i worry about what a freak i am!


07-07-09, 19:28
Hey Em

Firstly, do not cut them out or try, you run the risk of infection, damage, un necessary scarring. Not saying that to scare you, but thats a fact.

If you are worried, and believe me I have been there, you are doing the right thing by going to the doctor to get it checked out. You should get them checked on an annual basis anyway, its the sensible thing to do.

I totally did the same as you, I was dying from melanoma before i even stepped into the surgery. But guess what? I didn't have it. I had the mole removed becuase of its location, and it was getting irritated by my bra strap, and its all fine.

Feel free to PM me, I know what its like to drive yourself insane with worry, I am pretty good at doing it myself.

Lots of love to you

07-07-09, 20:03
Hi Em

I'm really sorry to hear you are having a rough time. If it's any consolation I have been going through a similar anxiety about my moles over the past few weeks. I noticed three new ones appear on my stomach and since then I've felt like at least one new tiny mole is appearing on my body every day, which has scared the life out of me. My mum said to me that because I've become so preoccupied with them and inspect my body all the time that I'm bound to start noticing moles that have actually just been there all along. Which I guess is probably true, but it doesn't completely stop my anxiety. However I've been checked by two doctors and they both say I'm fine. Chances are you will be too. :)

Anyway, I don't know if this helps but I just wanted to let you know you are not alone and I know what it's like.

Best wishes.

07-07-09, 20:16
Hi George08.

I'm sorry to hear you are having such a hard time right now.

Please don't try and cut your moles out, as a pp said you risk getting infection and scarring and it is silly doing it! Even if they were anything serious (which I very very much doubt) you are not an expert and shouldn't be trying to remove them yourself!

Whenever I am worrying about my health I go through the same thing as you and I am totally convinced I have a certain disease. I also go through the conversation with the doctor in my head and think of how I would tell my family.

Seriously anxiety really does convince you you have a serious illness. It's the way it works.

I don't know if it makes you feel any better but my Mum has a mole on her arm that is slightly raised and a little scaly, she has had it for years but the doctor has always told her its nothing to worry about.

Please make sure you don't bottle out of telling the doctor about your moles, not because its anything to worry about but just because you should seek some help with your health anxiety.

Also you are not a freak!! x

07-07-09, 20:17
thanks for you reply's, i know we are all in the same boast here but it is a feel its a really lonley world i live in. it does help that i know i am not alone if only i had a magic wand i would wish a life with not too much fear! think it would be really strange and wrong with out a little fear! take away the fear you take away the excitment

07-07-09, 22:17
I can understand you are worried but I do not think you should be saying things like " I know that i am being stupid but i would rather kill myself then have to wait 2 weeks for the results"

That is just plain silly! Loads of people get moles and have them removed and are fine.

Life is precious and you should treat it as so.

08-07-09, 08:44
i know you are right but that is how i am feeling at the moment! i really dont know how i am going to get though the next few weeks! maybe some one should knock me out and bring me round when i know what i am dealing with.