View Full Version : allergic reaction or bad panic attack?

08-07-09, 01:39
Ok, we had a bday party at work, I had some carrots, broccolli, celery with salsa and cauliflower. Right after I had the celery it gave me indigestion and heartburn and I felt icky. You will have to excuse me if I am too frank, but I had gas but could not release it. So And hour later I went into town and had a turkey sandwich and milk, thinking this would help a little. I felt puky on the way back and when I clocked back in, I had to go to the loo. I had diahrea for about 10 minues (sorry!:blush: ) and when I started to go I instantly go serverly itchy on my scalp, my lower regions and my lip felt like it was swelling and it tingled. So this is an hour and a 1/2 after eating the salsa (which I think it was because I felt icky right after eating that). I was getting really worked up kinda during that hour and a 1/2 because my stomach hurt that bad. Then I called the clinic and when she asked if I had trouble breathing, my throat felt like it was harder to breath. I ended up weezing a bit. Is it possible for a panic attack to do this? I did have a panic attack during this time as well from getting so worked up. It just seems a bit weird to me.Never happened that way before.

08-07-09, 01:42
I am not sure about allergy causing diareah but I know panic and stress can! Perhaps it was just anxiety....

08-07-09, 01:58
i am just wondering if panic can cause the itchiness and the weeziness that I had in my throat. It just seems weird, but I know I had a panic attack right along side of it....

08-07-09, 16:27
I am not a Dr...THANK GOD :-) but I would say it was probably both...have you ever had that reaction to celery before? I know anxiety can cause shortness of breath and weezing. I am not sure of the itchiness though but I am sure it can. I know my anxiety can cause me to feel like I am on FIRE....so why not itchyness? The important thing is that you are fine now....are you feeling any better?