View Full Version : choking feeling

13-09-05, 01:13
Hi everyone xx

I need your help yet again! When i am either just dropping off to sleep or even when i am asleep i have been waking up gasping for air like my throat is blocked with my tonsils feels like for a couple of seconds i stop breathing, this in turn makes me throw up and then end up being restless and unable to settle very well, as i have suffered over the past year with panic attacks and anxiety lately ive been generally coping with it with the help of relaxation cds, my good friends here and learning over the past year what panic and anxiety actually is. Although a bit depressed at times and pissed off i have been managing symptoms to a liveable level, is what i am experiencing panic/anxiety???? i wondered if anyone else has experienced this and what it is and what to do to overcome it and stop it happeneing again. Its very scary!! im confused about this because im relatively relaxed and sleeping most of the time when this happends to me.

Love & Hugs from Sarah-Jane xxxx

13-09-05, 12:19
Hi Sarah-jane,

Sorry to hear your not to good, sounds awful i have not experienced this, have you been for a check up at gps to rule out any infection,

take care hun you know where i am xxxxxx

kairen x

13-09-05, 12:25
Hi Sarah,

I haven't suffered this either, but a few here do suffer from tense muscles in the throat as a result of anxiety, and so am wondering if this is what it is.

And if you have had a few emotions flying around lately, wouldn't this add up?

As Kairen, says, it won't do you any harm to see your GP for peace of mind

Take Care


And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance.
~Mark Sanders and Tia Sillers

16-09-05, 19:35
Yet again last night i had the same problem twice. I went to the doctors today and my doctor seemed to think it was down to my anxiety but wants to see me in 4 weeks to check to see if its still happeneing. Im going to keep a diary of when it happends so i can see if there is any pattern developing when i get this choking feeling. Ive also started my CBT therapy on thursday so will keep you all posted as to how i get on.

Love & Hugs from Sarah-Jane xxxx

17-09-05, 11:33
Hi hun,

Nice to have you back after your little holiday.

Hope the choking feeling wears off soon. I wanted to know how your CBT went on Thurs as I didn't get on the computer last night.

Love Pig xx

18-09-05, 07:44
Hi Sarah-jane
I get the tight throat feeling just before a panic attack arrives and i feel like i want to be sick but im dont actually be sick but it feels like im going to choke i also saw my about those symptoms and she seems to think its all down to me being axnious (bad spelling sorry) and all stressed out, but just recently every panic attack i get i get different symptoms hardly ever the same.
hope all goes well with your CBT i am still waiting to hear from them with an appoinment.

Take care


There is light at the end of the tunnel its just fiding it thats the hard part

18-09-05, 11:03
Hi Sarah Jane, I had same symptoms as you before I was diagnosed, I had all tests scans, bariums ent appt etc as I was convinced I had something wrong, I then went on to suffer other symptoms so was diagnosed with depression and anxiety,
I still suffer with my throat especially when i am anxious or struggling but it doesnt worry me, I have learnt to accept it. I know there cannot be anything wrong.I am sure yours will be fine I hope so, keep us informed, Love Alexis,xx

18-09-05, 12:06
Hi Sarah-Jane,

I have not had this symptom before but my daughter has, she suffered panic, anxiety from the age of 3, she is now 12 and doing very well. I cannot say if she felt at that time if she could not breath, because she was soooo young and could not tell me what was going on, but she did vomit alot at night times. Over time she learned how to deal with her anxiety during the day, the night time attacks got less and less. These days her blips are very few and far between[^]
What I understand myself is that although I was learning how to deal with the PA's, and anxiety during the day, I would still wake at night, either not being able to breath or just wake up and be terriefied.
As I have learned how to deal with my anxiety during the day, for me as well the nights are better. I am painc free and high anxiety free.

CBT will help you understand alot more, where your anxiey has come from and how to move forward. As you learn this, the days will get better and so will the nights. It does not happen over night, but it CAN be done.



18-09-05, 18:31
Hey Sarah-Jane,

I have the same symptom sometimes. When I fall asleep, or even when I am asleep, sometimes I wake up with the feeling that I have stopped breathing for a couple of seconds or that my heart has stopped beating. It's very frightening, I know. Definitely anxiety related.

19-09-05, 02:26
Thank you so much for your kind replies.

Its such a relief im not alone and some comfrot its just anxiety even though its very scary xxxx

Love & Hugs from Sarah-Jane xxxx

28-09-05, 04:11
I also have anxiety and this happened to me. What's a CBT?