View Full Version : Random Pains yicks!

08-07-09, 07:52
I started having anxiety when I was in 10th grade and I was put on drugs for it. It went away in 6 months, or so I thought, and I have been fine until recently when my sister started to get postpartum anxiety and I lent her an ear and some support.

I have been having strange random pains again as well as anxiety. Today I keep feeling this pain under my left breast under my rib cage. I do not know what it is and Google is no help for me tonight. Boo! It is not a sharp pain but only occurs if I bend to the left or sit and slouch. It almost feels like my rib is cutting into something. Help anyone?

09-07-09, 00:17
Between the ribs there are muscles, quite a few of them, these muscles can get infected, strained, whatever just like any other muscle can. since you mainly seem to get it when you pressure said muscles, its probably just that the muscle is a bit sore ^^

09-07-09, 07:43
sounds like you strained a muscle. It's your body's way of telling you to let it rest while it heals, which will take a couple of days