View Full Version : Chest and back pain

13-09-05, 16:47
Hiya all

I know i am probably repeating a Q that has been asked a million times but i need some advice.I have read through archived posts but they dont quite match how im feeling.
I have said before in a previous post that i have a heart murmur.It was discovered then investigated in June and was given the all clear,except they said my heart rate was really fast.
My problem is over the last week or so i have really bad chest pain and pain in my upper back,under my left arm and breast.I feel as if something is wedged in my chest and lower throat as well(it feels a little like when you are grieving or highly upset)although more intense.
My limbs feel rigid and as if i have no control over them,i am so tired.
I have these feelings all day every day,its not something that comes and goes.I have never felt like this before.I get very breathless,it sounds a little raspy.
I have to take each day as it comes and really force myself to get to work etc(i am usually already exhausted by the time i get there).I only work a few hours a day.
I was determined not to go back to the Drs,but am scared my murmur was a warning sign.Do you think it is?
Sorry for going on.I didnt even think i was anxious thats why im so worried about these symptoms.
Hope someone can shed some light for me

Love a very worried Hunny [V]

13-09-05, 21:48
Hi Hunny

Im afraid I cant shed any light on it, but just wanted to say that I get the upper back pain really bad when I am anxious. Sometime the pain will last weeks and weeks. It goes round to my chest as well.

As you have metioned a heart murmour then I think you should go back to you gp just to be on safe side.


14-09-05, 08:53
Ok Thanks Mandie

Can anyone else reassure me or any ideas,im so worried

Hunny x

14-09-05, 09:17
Hi Hunny,
I can't help with the murmur as I don't understand them but I have had back and chest pain with anxiety and got really tired. Throat symptoms are common with anxiety too. I often get symptoms when I don't think I'm anxious too
I would try and take some comfort from the fact that the murmur was checked out in June.
If it was me I would go back and see my gp and ask her all the questions you want to know like can heart murmurs cause these symptoms. Maybe once you're reassured you'll be able to start accepting they are from anxiety (this is the hard part).
Take care,

14-09-05, 13:05
I have had a murmur since I was five. I have the kind that sounds like a garden hose with a pin hole in it. I have had anxiety since 5 because of the way my mom treated me like I was fragile. Everytime when I was young and had any pain in my chest, I thought I was having a heart attack at 7. As an adult they remained with me. When I was pregnant with my second child, the doctors did not hear it anymore. I was told I no longer haad my murmur that is must have closed up. A few years ago at the doctors he was listening and paid a lot of attention to my chest and back, then told me I hear your heart murmur but only when you are lying down. I then started all over again and he had reassured me this by no means opens you to any heart conditions. The only precaution you need to take is informing the Dentist and any other procedures you may be going through to give you medication first before having your teeth pulled because you will need an antibiotic to prevent infection. You could be a little more prone to infection. A lot of people have murmurs and different kinds. The best is taking what you have been told by the doctors and accepting that. Just think, when we are older and look back at all the things we worried about and fine that we worried for nothing or had some other disease enter our body that we forgot to worry about. I always try to look from the other direction to see what time I would be wasting. I do still worry, but I also worry about not living to the fullest.

Hope you feel better about the situation.



14-09-05, 13:36
Your symptoms are mainly anxiety ones and not heart murmur cardiac ones.

Heart mumurs do not generally cause pain or limb stiffness, they signify the altered passage of blood through one or more of the chambers.

Your GP will be able to listen to it again and tell you whether it is still there or not.


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

14-09-05, 17:28
Thank you all for your replys.
I went to see the Dr,she says i dont have to worry.
Shes says im not gasping for breath or unable to climb a flight of stairs so she thinks my symptoms may be anxiety based.
I wish i had never found out about this flippin murmur,sorry,im just frustrated and feeling rotten.
Surely anxiety cant feel this bad:(
Hope everyone else is doing well today

Hunny x