View Full Version : has anyone tried this

08-07-09, 12:03
10 years ago or so my HA was waaaay out of control.

Moles & testicular cancer were the diseases of the day.

At the time, I had a great dr. I explained my HA to him and told him it was being kicked off by doing self exams.

So we decided I'd show up at his office every 6 months for a once over.

It worked. I'd find something and tell myself - "ok. good thing i'll see the dr in X weeks, I'll mention it then. Now, on to the business of living."

Worked great - then he retired. I didn't do it with the next couple of drs - but my current dr has closed her practice so I'm getting a new dr and think I'm going to try it again.

08-07-09, 21:08
I think thats what a lot of us need, somthing to take the stress and worry out of each and every symptom and that sounds a great idea just wonder if everyones doctors as nice enough to make similar arrangements?

08-07-09, 23:34
I've yet to meet a doctor who is nice enough to entertain that (on NHS at least), but what a splendid idea. I'd pay for something like that if I knew where to get it, for sure!

09-07-09, 01:47
i used to do this but one day my dr made a flipant comment which stopped me going. He said something along the lines of "theres nothing wrong with you. least you have your yearly trip out of the way" he just made me feel stupid. It does work tho - it doesnt hurt to have a checkup x

09-07-09, 01:54
i used to do this but one day my dr made a flipant comment which stopped me going. He said something along the lines of "theres nothing wrong with you. least you have your yearly trip out of the way" he just made me feel stupid. It does work tho - it doesnt hurt to have a checkup x

You've got to be careful. The rest of the world HAS NO IDEA the impact of their offhand comments.

I have this problem with my wife all the time.

09-07-09, 15:40
It is a good idea and my doctor is really nice so I'm certain she would do this with me but I don't actually like going to the doctors.
Even when my HA is at its worst I have to be forced to go to the doctors because I fear that they would give me a diagnosis of something serious and in some ways I would rather not know.

But saying that I may start doing this because it is a good idea and would perhaps get rid of my fear of doctors.

09-07-09, 15:57
I wish my doctor was understanding like this.

If only I had the money I would be off to Bupa tomorrow for a full body check up lol.