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View Full Version : What an awful morning

13-09-05, 16:50
Today has to be up there with the worst!

Woke having had reasonable hours sleep (woke up once).

Managed to get the children up and off to school with help from hubby. Got myself ready for work, drove to work, got in the building and fell apart in OHD. Thank god someone was there.

My breathing was laboured, shaking, found it hard to string a sentence together etc.

She talked me round, but said to go home. I didn't really want to and said initially I would stay, but soon realised too tearful to cope, so came home.

It really seems to be one step forward and two backward. Totally frustrating. I hate not being able to control my emotions. Where has my strength gone?

Has any one else found themselves in this sort of situation?


13-09-05, 17:52
Hi Elaine,

sorry you had such a bad day,

I was like that years ago at work every day i went in i only managed to stay till dinner time,i think i had it in my mind that i could get to dinner time, then i could not hold it in any longer,

i had a few weeks off work and when i went back, i felt the same but i would just go into the toilets and have a good cry and then try and tell myself i felt better for having a good cry,

You will know when it is starting to rise in you and thats when you have to do your best to distract yourself any way you can, and keep telling yourself you can do it your fine, tell yourself your doing well and your going to get through this day, it worked for me anyway X

hope this helps a bit,

kairen x

kate H
13-09-05, 21:20
Hi Elaine,

when I first got diagnosed with anxiety in April my emotions was the first thing I lost control of. I would go to work and lock myself in the toilets and cry uncontrollably.

Since then I have lost a lot of my confidence but am slowely getting it back. I still have days where I cant cope and I just burst into tears for no reason.

I have been taking evening primrose and since then my emotions have been a little more stable.

Im sorry youve had a bad day and I hope you feel better soon.


.......Is your past barging in on your future? Make a better 2morrow 2day.......

14-09-05, 00:02
Hi Elaine

Totally understand how you feel. We seem to pick up and cope then wham it goes pear shaped again and i have taken like you one step forward then felt like a dozen back. It is temporary trust me and i know how hard it is. Sometimes doing so well then hitting a hard blip is worse to handle as it comes from no where when you feel so positive about it all.

Here if you want to talk at any time.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

"Life is a distance and to travel that distance you were given the strength and guidance to do so".