View Full Version : Stuck in a negative pattern in life

08-07-09, 17:15
I feel I've had a negative year..just struggling with anxiety any plans I've made have been cancelled and just never really got what I wanted. My mum and dad always put me down and they say things that can be hurtful, and friendships I have a friend who's always putting me down and I've fallen out with him a few times.

I feel there's alot of negative things in my life that doing nothing won't help but going back to square one and say not working is also not a good answer. Anything I do try this year fails tired for jobs never got them, been on dates never got anywhere so all my failures over the years my mum and dad will pick on. Now I've got a disciplinary at my work for leaving a shift 15 minutes early so my mum says oh I will lose my job and being negative. The positive is I've been there over a year which is twice as long as I've stuck any other job...but people will still be negative when I fail.

I guess this is what it's all about? A few years ago in 2007 I had a job I really enjoyed and a g.f and I felt I had a relaxed and comfortable life (apart from the anxiety) and I was around positive people..however this year especially I just get negative feedback..this makes me more tense and anxious and just want to hide away.

Ideally I'd have a good job, hopefully pass my driving test this year, a g.f, great friends but it won't happen..people say life is not perfect but living each day miserable because I hate my work..get a hard time at home or have negative friends is not a good reply. It may seem easy to bin negative friends but then you end up yourself and more miserable.

I'm in a bit of a twist, struggling to sleep..starting to believe it's all me..I know I have anxiety issues and OCD's but surely things can get better than this? I think when things are negative that makes my anxiety worse but as I said..I go on dates and try my best but every failure seems to give more people a backbone to put me down. I thought life was about learning?

I've been all year looking for solutions and still..none losing things would make it worse I'd rather make new friends and find a job when I'm in one..but I feel it's a mountain to climb and it's not happening for me..I just want some positive in my life...stability...I've done my best at that but I always feel dooms day of being back to square one is there...I hope it gets better I'm 21 in October and feel I want to be somewhere... :blush:

08-07-09, 23:20

Hi, I am sorry to hear that you are going through a bad time. You are not alone and things will get better. You need to fill you time with hobbies and stay away from people that put you down xx

11-07-09, 23:54

Hi, I am sorry to hear that you are going through a bad time. You are not alone and things will get better. You need to fill you time with hobbies and stay away from people that put you down xx

Thanks yes i find it better to be around more positive people.

I just feel down after my work again today just want a new job but it's hard..I only work two days a week now so it's not as bad but it still gets to me..

Just things people say lingers on my mind...and I just worry alot with the negative thoughts..struggling to cope again. :weep:

12-07-09, 01:06
Looking at what you say in your post seems to be that you may suffer from low self-esteem. If you have had a hard time in the past then you will carry many of the negative that others have said to you and magnified them through time.
Try speaking to your boss and let them know how you feel. The best way is to lean in to a problem and not run from it. Start to think of yourself as a positive person.
The more we accept we are positive the more we will begin to believe it

13-07-09, 20:42
Looking at what you say in your post seems to be that you may suffer from low self-esteem. If you have had a hard time in the past then you will carry many of the negative that others have said to you and magnified them through time.
Try speaking to your boss and let them know how you feel. The best way is to lean in to a problem and not run from it. Start to think of yourself as a positive person.
The more we accept we are positive the more we will begin to believe it

Thanks yes that could be right.

I just feel in a negative twist right now. Any health anxiety puts a big dark cloud over me and makes me feel bad and helpless even if it's a irrational thought.

In general I'm unable to accept my thoughts don't mean anything. I am unable to realise in my head that a negative nasty thought I get means nothing for 2 years I have been struggling and keep thinking it means some significance. Why do you think things you don't mean that's what I don't get...

Things are just not right for me..I'm suffering the last few days as I'm worried about going mad, crazy and feel a little down for no reason just things not going my way, dates, work..I do feel an intense pressure to change my life, either change me or get somewhere...It's making me restless..I can't tune into my head either that I may feel good some weeks and better others..

I honestly feel I'm going crazy right now.. :blush: feel nobody understands anymore. :weep: