View Full Version : i tried and its not for me

08-07-09, 19:22
i went just to see what would happen if it would be for me or not, i travelled on buses had to chnage 3 times i struggle going far away and panic my cousin went with me, it was murder soo far away we couldn't remember how to get home, a bus driver said our ticket was not valid on another bus when it was he leid after he told us to get off in middle of nowhere :wacko: so in journey time it took us 5 half hours just for a 50min eating disorder clinic appointment which was only in a doctors surgery anyhow :mad:

the person seeing me was wondering why i was there as i was very anxious and panicky i explained i was told by pshcychaitrist if i didnt come today hed admit me to hospital, they said threats shouldn't be used, my main problems through eating are mainly down to anxutey and depression made worse by trying to be made to go to therapys too far away for me to travel by cpn and phsychiatrist,

i see another gp tomo was wondering if i should explain all this and ask if i can see a dietician instead to help me work along things, then concentrate on my anxiety and panic attacks by doing things day by day until i get a long term cpn nurse, rather then the short term one i have now who cannot take me out to places etc

08-07-09, 21:36
Hello lonely,

It sounds like you had a really bad day with all the travelling, and it really is too much for you especially since you have a problem being far away from home. It is a pity you have been put under this pressure.

I think it would be a very good idea to explain to your gp tomorrow all the concerns you have, and see if he can work out a plan of action which is going to make things easier for you to cope with. I do hope your doctor will be understanding and all goes well for you tomorrow.

08-07-09, 22:02
thankyou i really hope so this is a different gp but my cousin has her as her gp and says she is very inderstanding and from the last few times ive seen her while mine has been away she has been very good, soo hope she can get me the dietician referral, i was originally being referred for this till pshychiatrists got news on it