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View Full Version : Light Bulb moment

08-01-04, 20:39
Hi all,

I thought that i would share with you how things have changed over these last 2 weeks for me and thought it may give some of you out there a little bit of hope for the future.

Well I have been suffering panic attacks and anxiety now for just over 3 years. My attacks began after a car accident I was in, but I also had a lot of a background stress at the time which made matters a lot worse.

After my 1st attack, I was forever at the doctors or in the hospital emergency room convinced I was dying of a heart attack. I never agreed to take any form of medication as I believed that it would go away or that I could cope with it. To a point I did learn to cope with it or maybe just accept that I would always suffer from panic attacks.

Anyway, the doctors refered me for some relaxation therapy which really didnt help that much to be honest. I also had some CBT as at the time I had private health care through my job. I did find it helpful but I had to change my job as it was part of the problem my anxiety wasnt getting any better, so I had to stop my treatment. From then on I just tried to help myself but doing very badly as I now have come to realise.

I have read everything there is to know on Panic attacks, what causes them , the symptoms, treatment etc etc etc. However, I just didnt seem to be able to put any of the coping methods etc into practice.

Last year was a particularly bad year for me as I started a new job at the beginning of the year and what was supposed to be a great challenge turned out to be the job from HELL. I spent the 1st 7 months of the year being bullied by my 2 bosses at work. I was basically somebody they had hired to blame everything on that they could. Therefore, my health began to seriously suffer..my panic attacks were getting worse and I started to have terrible migraines. Furthermore, once i finally left the company..or should I say got forced to resign from the company...I had high blood pressure and basically I felt I couldnt function anymore.

At this point, is where I would say I was at my lowest ebb. I finally agreed to take some medication. I had found myself unemployed, which I have never been in my life and felt humiliated on how I was treated by my former employers...I just didnt know how to cope.

Just when this all happened, I found this FORUM and I have never looked back since. I have received unbelievable help and support from everyone and I am forever grateful for that because I really dont know what I would have been like now if it wasnt for you guys.

However, over the Xmas period I ran out of my meds and basically went 'cold turkey' which was one of the worst experiences of my life. I suffered terrible withdrawal symptoms despite only being on the meds for 2 months. This was made even more difficult due to the time of year etc but I SURVIVED.

I was particularly distressed over this period but I was given so much help and support by two very special people....MEG and BRYAN. Both of these people listened to my erractic messages and offered their help and guidance continually.

I do however, owe a special HUGE thanks to Meg...she has been helping me identify what exactly it is I am doing which is preventing me from moving on with my anxiety over these last few weeks. I feel as if a 'Light' has finally went on somewhere in my head. Through her help I have realised that I can cope without the meds and I now no longer feel so scared of my symptoms...I now understand why they are happening and what I actually do that is making them happen.

The biggest thing I have come to realise is just how much my thoughts determine whether I will have an attack or not. Meg has pointed out that I tend to 'dwell' on things and my mind constantly needs something to worry about. I have decided to occupy my mind with different things that I have always wanted to do but never done due to worrying all the time.

The other small changes that I have made but seem to be making a huge difference is watching my diet..eating healthier and taking a vitamin B complex. I have

08-01-04, 21:43
Hiya Sadie

I loved your post hun. Really inspirational. To have read all your posts on how bad you have been at times and to see a post like this has been great mate! I know you arent perfectly 'cured' but you seem to be doing sooooo well, im really pleased for you. And all thet positive thinking has done you good.

Im trying to sort my life out at the moment, new year new me and all that, so im thinking if you can do it well so can I. Its gonna be a good year for me i hope and im going to attempt to come off the meds too.

Thanks again for a great post Sadie

love Sarah

08-01-04, 22:25
hi sarah,

If I can do it you can too...its difficult at first coming off the meds but if done gradually, you can experience NO withdrawal symptoms. I feel so much better without them..my mind feels sharper and I actually feel like a black cloud has been lifted from me!...Will keep you posted on my road to recovery and I look foward to reading one of your success posts too this year.

Take care


08-01-04, 22:45
Well done Sadie,

You have done SO well, I am really pleased for you.

I was on anti depressents for about 18 months, came off them gradually, probably over a period of 6 months, and never had any withrawal symptoms at all.

Anyway, well done and good luck on your road to recovery.

Kate x

08-01-04, 22:47

When you come off yours, discuss it with your doctor, take his advice about the rate to come off and plan to double it, if you find you can go faster then it's a bonus.

Also, it's wise to bring down the daily dose to an absolute minimum before skipping any days at all.


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

10-01-04, 14:27
Hi Sadie

Just catching up on some posts so I have only just read this one.

Well done on all of your achievements - you definitely sound much more positive now and I can see 2004 being a great year for you.

I too just stopped taking my medication (Prozac) 6 years ago this month. I never even thought to reduce it or see the doc. I felt bad for 2 weeks then no worse than I was.

One other thing I would say to others is that if you do run out of medication when the docs are shut then you can always call the emergency doc and get some more. They will probably have a moan at your not planning better but that is not as bas as suffering like you did Sadie cos you went cold turkey.

Keep up the good work Sadie



10-01-04, 17:07
hi sadie,

its really good,to hear you being so positive,and well done,on what you have achieved,so far...its a long road,but as you say,you can now see the light...and by taking little steps,every day,the light will get brighter..i think your birthday trip is looking good...best wishes..bryan.

11-01-04, 13:39
Hiya Sadie,

I'm so happy you are doing so well. Keep it up kid!!!

Take care

15-01-04, 23:46
Hi Sadie

So glad you've finally turned the corner. I've been like you for the last 3 years too, and since Xmas, I think I might be about to catch you up!

There seems to be so many of us that are nearly there, and so more people "coming up the ranks". It's great to see.

Maybe we shall have to ask Nic to insert a new forum section for recovered mad people where we can still keep in touch and help any newcomers on the way!

I'm so pleased you've pulled through doll, now you and Lucky are well on the way, I'm convinced I'm going to be joining you very soon!

keep on moving on up



16-01-04, 14:20
Hey Charlie

Who are you calling mad?

Well I guess you have a point...lol

love Sarah

17-01-04, 11:10

Well I am. And Lucky even sent me an e-mail to tell me the other day!!!!!!! LOL

(She thought that the answers to my Fun quiz, supplied by Nicola, proved it. Between you and me, I thought they were perfectly normal, so maybe it's Lucky thats mad!!!!) LOL

actually, i've started cultivating my madness - I seem to be able to get away with more when people think you are one sandwich short!

Just don't try it too near any white coated men driving yellow vans
