View Full Version : Hello

08-07-09, 20:25
Hello all,

I've been trying to work out how to introduce myself for a while, but I guess it's better to just do it...

I'm Steph, 21 and living in England. I have been having panic attacks since my early adolescence but didn't know what they were, and was too scared to say anything to anybody in case they laughed at me.

I tried to deal with it alone, tried to work out my own methods for coping though none of them have worked. A few weeks ago I went to see my doctor who prescribed me 20mg Citalopram. That has been quite a rollercoaster so far (but that's for another forum). I am feeling quite low at present.

I guess I am looking for a support network of people who understand anxiety and hopefully I can help others too. I look forward to talking to you all soon and sharing thoughts, feelings and experiences.

08-07-09, 21:03
Hey Steph

Welcome along to NMP!

You will get lots af advice and support here!

Lovely to meet you

08-07-09, 21:25
Hi Steph :welcome:

Glad you decided to take the plunge and introduce yourself, thats the difficult bit over, hope you find this site as useful as i have, hopefully your medication will be starting to work for you and with the added support from people here you can get through this.
I have had problems with anxiety/ depression for a long time, but with hard work, determination and medication i have improved a great deal and have learned how to manage my anxiety better.

Hope to chat with you again soon

Best wishes

Pauline x :hugs:

09-07-09, 12:29
Thanks for your responses guys, looking forward to getting to know you all better :)

Veronica H
09-07-09, 13:39
:welcome: to NMP. Glad that you have found us.
