View Full Version : HA and allergies

09-07-09, 00:13
Hello everyone,
I was just wondering if any that has HA also suffers from allergies like hay fever. I was just diagnosed with hay fever and allergies and I was prescribed loratadine 10MG and was told some horror stories bout claratin/loratadine. I have panic attacks also and i also have a fear of medication so I have not taken any as of yet. I am suffering really bad by all these things,stuffy nose/sore throat tiredness and i', told they come from hay fever. Does anyone know how long hay fever lasts ?
Thanks,as I am looking forward to getting over this stuff and feeling normal again soon.

09-07-09, 00:21
Hello TammyWammy,

I suffer from Hay fever alot, aswell as cat allergies. Hay fever is a rather weird thing, its never certain for how long it wil stay, since it all depends on the wind & the weather, and how much pollen get carried along to your area.

Hay fever sometimes tends to stick for a week or so, but from what I noticed 1 good rainy day and BWAM, all the pollen gone & I can smell again!

I have some hayfever pills myself, but I ran out sometime ago and im not sure they're the same as yours, all in all they're just really tiny pills and they help ALOT. I never had any weird side effects from em either for aslong as I can remember ^^

09-07-09, 01:45
I've got some strange combination of HA/OCD

I've got allergies as well.

FYI Claritin, at least in the US, is so weak as to be useless for allergies.

09-07-09, 07:15
I am led to believe that acute anxiety causes an adrenalin rush which can bring on things like lumps which are sore. I get ulticarea a great deal from stress and anxiety. Anti hystimene tabs do nothing for me and I use a steroid cream when really bad. My skin is one area that always reacts to anxiety as well as back ache / head / neck aches..

09-07-09, 07:33
I get the WORST hayfever. Loratadine/cetryblahdeblahzine do nothing for it. As someone else said, useless.

Go with benadryl, the one in the blue box. I've been taking it for >2 years now, it works like a charm. (US forum users note that benadryl is NOT the same in the US!! Here in the UK it has active ingredient "Acrivastine").
(just noticed you are in the US - maybe another US user can help you out here, can you get acrivastine over there?)

Watch out with benadryl and grapefruit though. Theres a small chance that they might react and cause palpitations..not that most of us would notice that since we get palpitations all the time anyway lol.

In answer to your question - it lasts as long as it lasts. I get symptoms indoors, outdoors, night, day, they seem to peak about now and tail off something august ish. Always gone by end of august. It depends what the trees and plants are doing and which of them you're allergic to, you can get tested to find out. Personally I am allergic to loads of stuff (animals, dust, pollen, etc) so I dont see the point in geting tested lol.

09-07-09, 11:48
I use Zyrtec and have had much success with it.

09-07-09, 11:55
I get stuffy at this time of year and it makes me wake up panicking.

I wake up feeling like I can't breathe especially in the heat we just had.

09-07-09, 15:33
Sorry if its been covered already but today I am lazy and cant be bothered to read everyones above posts lol, sorry ha :)

I have suffered really bad hayfever for around 7 years now. Mine usually comes on around June time and lasts up until the end of August. You may have a different form of hayfever though. I am alergive to the grass we call 'elephant grass' although you may be alergic to tree pollen or weeds etc.

My advice is, to remember hayfever is more of an annoyance than anything else so try not to get worked up about it. Its just something which some people get and otheres dont, Its where your body is over reascting to the pollen and seeing it as a threat thus causing itchy and red eyes and your nose to block up.

The 2 medicines I swear by are beconase for my nose, which really works & Opticrom eye drops which are also really effective. Although my advice is to go out and try different over the counter medicines as they all effect different people in different ways and with hay fever its a case of finding the ones which work for you best.

09-07-09, 16:26
Hi there, not sure what part of the US you are in...I am in the south...and I live with hayfever. We just moved here about a year ago and my allergies/hayfever have been worse here than they have ever been! I have had them when I normally would not....like in the middle of winter and summer. I was placed on Singular AND Allegra once a day. However, they dried me up SO badly that my scalp was itching, my lips were dry, and my sinuses were killing me! So I decided to try to deal with it naturally and get off the meds.

1. I use my Netti pot each night when I find my hayfever is at its worst. Here is a website: www.neilmed.com (http://www.neilmed.com) You can get this from Wal-mart and CVS. The kit comes with the solution. I have the Sinus Rinse one and it really does help! It does not hurt...actually feels good, and you will feel relief within about 20 min. after doing it. It will flush out all that mucus.

2. I went to the chiropractor! Did you know that the vertabrae in your neck, vertabrae 3-7, directly pushes on the nerves that control sinuses and allergy? It was a fluke that I found out....but I have been getting adjusted 2 times a week and my hayfever and allergy have disappeared!!! I did get xrays to find that the alignment in my neck was off though. I am no Dr. so this may not even be a problem with you.....but I never would have known it was a problem with me because it is not like I was having pain in my neck. I had nothing more than tight muscles.

Your hayfever will stay as long as you are around whatever is casuing your allergies to react. Sadly, if it something in your house....like dust or dander...it may be around for longer than you would like.