View Full Version : please help

09-07-09, 07:07
hi everyone im new to this group but hopefully there will be people here who understand what im trying to deal with,im 29 mum of 6,10 mth ago when my baby was 8 weeks old somthing changed it was like a switch had gone off!i had had a normal day nothing unusual went to bed and woke up in a scared like state of panic my life hasnt been the same since i suffer from anxiety dissorder and panic dissorder,i find myself constantly at the doctors even a and e,and on one occation was so scared i called an ambulance,i have a constant lump in my throat like feeling that seldom goes away i have even had a camra down there and a barium swallow which were both fine,i cant concentrate have the shakes pounding heart dizzyness sickness and sleepless nites,i have been tryed on all kinds of antidpressents and beta blockers but they make my symptoms worse i cant tolorate them which has now lead me to me to scared of trying anything else as i was so ill after all the other attempts!i begining to feel there is no hope,im realy scared and althought i have a supportive husband family and friends nobody undrestands what im going through i feel so mitherd i cant sit still and figit alot i cant consentrate of enjoy my children its a real struggle im constantly tired but cant sleep im so on edge,and im sure my doctor is quite sick of me!i have been waiting 4 cbt since this all began but am still on a waiting list does anyone else have the same struggles as me or could surggest things to help i go on long walks all the time but i just cant seem to shake this and feel im living a nitemare please help..........

09-07-09, 21:25
I just waanted to reply to say you are not alone ((((hugs))).

I can totally relate to how you feel and all of my symptoms are the same and started after the birth of my second child.

I still have up and down days but you can get back to feeling normal (whatever that is!) and it will pass eventually.

There are a number of breathing techniques that can help. It easier said than done but really try hard not to focus on the symptoms.

I don't know how you feel about it but you could ask your health visitor to refer you to Home-Start http://www.home-start.org.uk/about/
When things were really bad someone came to visit me a few times a wwek. she wasn't judgemental and was happy to listen/play with the kids or visit a group or whatever with me and it gave me the motivation to get on with things with some initial reassurance that if any of my symptoms were bad when I was out that I wouldn't be alone. Of course, no amtter how bad I felt nothing happened to me and I realised I could do it on my own. It may be worth considering :)

T x

09-07-09, 22:26
T's advice looks good babydoll_shirl.

I can't add any more to what she's said but just wanted to give you a virtual hug!:hugs:

Wendy xxxx

10-07-09, 04:34
what you going though is 100% nasty i know but it will get better you wait and see .talk to other people who has the same as you, find out what thay do to beat it try the chat room one day load of help and it takes your mind off things,,, wish you better