View Full Version : long term antibiotics??

09-07-09, 12:29
Hello all.

Found this forum by Googling my symptoms...
I am amazed. There's a whole community of people just like me, and I can ask a question without feeling foolish!

What do people think about this? I've had a persistent urinary tract infection that won't go away. I had one bout in February, another in April, and then a third, which hasn't gone away in over six weeks. (Lab tests have confirmed that the bacteria is still present).
Obviously, I am getting worried about why it's not going away.
But I'm also worried about the antibiotics. I am on my FIFTH course of Amoxycillin with Potassium Clavulanate (this is an extra strength penicillin). First, it hasn't cleared the uti. Second, I've been getting stomach cramps. Third, and I'm sorry to be so graphic, a lot of mucus in my stools and yesterday, a bit of bright red blood, too.
I am petrifried that the strong antibiotics, taken over about 5 weeks straight, have damaged my intestines.
I already have a bad bladder (overactive bladder), and this has me really depressed.
I have tried to be rational about this, but this whole thing

09-07-09, 16:46
Hi littlewren- I am so sorry that you are not doing well. I can't directly answer your question in regard to the stool.
I do know that when I take antibiotics for that long, I end up with a yeast infection! I also know that antibiotics kill ALL bacteria, even the good flora bacteria, and that is not good and can cause other things....like yeast infections. Anytime I take antibiotics, I also take liquid Acodopholis (sp?) to put back the good flora into your body. Yogurt will do the same...but is not as strong. You take it 2 times a day and it taste like yogurt. It can be found in health food stores. There is a pill form, but the liquid is better. I would say with 100% certainty that after being on antibiotics for 6 weeks, you need to get the good bacteria back into your body.

Also, there are natural antibiotics that you can take....silver is a natural antibiotic that you can take that does not kill the good bacteria. I take it when I feel myself getting sick and most times, I don't even need to to go the Dr. I have also put it in my netti pot and rinsed my sinuses with it. I buy Silver Fusion from a website here in the states.

www.ghchealth.com (http://www.ghchealth.com)

you can probably get the acodopholis there too. If you search within those forums, you will find links about UTI and bladder infection. This site focuses on healing your body without all the antibiotics that Drs are so quick to give these days! Also, if you place a bit, just a little bit, of organic apple cider vinager into your water that will help. It helps to create an acidic environment in your body which kills bad bacteria...lemon in your water does the same but you have to drink LOTS. Good luck.

10-07-09, 13:12
Thanks, Stressed32! I have just bought some acidopholis today. It's an excellent suggestion. I also went back to the doctor today and described my symptoms. He has taken me off the antibiotics. He admitted that they were too strong to be taking long term and that the abdominal pain and bleeding was probably caused by them. I am supposed to check back with him on Monday to let him know if the pain has settled.
In the meantime, it's 10pm where I live in Australia and my abdominal pain is really bad. I am stressing about this, convinced that there's something really bad going on inside me, that I've got internal bleeding or ulceration or something and that I'm going to have to go to the hospital in the middle of the night and that I'm going to die. It sounds so stupid when I write it down, but there you go.

10-07-09, 16:36
Littlewren- your thoughts do not sound stupid at all! They are no more stupid than me thinking I have HIV after having a - test :-). It is the anxiety. You must relax....stress can cause your stomach to cramp....and so can all that medication you have been on. Amoxocylin makes me want to throw up every time I take it. Try to give it a few hours and see if it passes. Remember, just because you have not taken a pill...it is still in your system.
It is morning there now...how are you feeling today?

17-07-09, 10:13
antibiotics kill the good bacteria as well as bad, resulting in the likes of mouth sores etc, oral and vaginal thrush, and intestinal discomfort. Anybody taking any length of antibiotics should also take a course of strong multivitamins with iron for the duration to replace the nutrients. Also, if you wish to do your intestines some good and help them recover, eat lots of live avtive culture, sugar free yoghurt from your local supermarket (like Yeo Valley) as it is full of Acidophilus, which is the good bacteria inside your mouth/intestines. This will rebalance the good bacteria in your body and help you get back to normal. If you dont like the yoghurt, you can buy Acidophilus capsules from your local health shop, which are even better for your gut as they travel further into your body before release. x