View Full Version : When are you most anxious

09-07-09, 13:22
Read before you vote.. :shades:

i know everyone is anxious but when in the day is it at its peak for people?

before you vote for "all the time never dies down" it must have been all the time for atleast 4 weeks.. we all have a few weeks where we are bad but think back to an average day..

i personally feel most anxious in a morning.. i wake up early and im really bad after an hour it subsides and i can sleep again for abit.. then it goes away during the day comes back slightly at tea time but then goes when i get in bed.

how does it affect every one else?

09-07-09, 13:54
mine is when i am doing something i am not comfortable with or not done before etc, even the most minor of things sets me off and i feel sick and my heart beats so fast and i get bad tummy etc

09-07-09, 15:08
Mine is unusually after I've been asleep for half an hour to two hours. Especially if Ive gone to bed later than I normally do. Hot weather exacerbates it. Then I wake up in a right old panic.

09-07-09, 15:31
I'm the same. I get anxious at night especially when I can't sleep or if I wake up after a couple of hours. I get really anxious that I won't be able to sleep and I will feel terrible the next day, then I can't switch off and go back to sleep.

09-07-09, 19:18
Mine is within a few minutes of waking up. You know when you are in that just woke up but lying in bed phase. I start feeling myself shallow breathing.

Do you think you have a peak of some hormone etc.. in a morning? It does seem a common time for people to become anxious.


10-07-09, 11:19
I'm most anxious in the morning - it takes a while for me to relax. I feel tense and have a feeling of dread - does anyone else feel like this and how do you cope???

10-07-09, 23:41
i put the kids to bed at 6:30 pm pretty much as soon as I have done this it starts up and stays that way until 9-10pm most days when for some reasno I calm down.
I have no idea why

11-07-09, 09:58
at night for me, right before i go to bed i for some reason alweys have racing thoughts and start freaking myself out if im alone. i get the lump in my throat and have trouble swallowing, my nose twitches real bad and my jaw and throat clench up, its the worst feeling ever, i normally have to take some xanax and then eventually ill pass out but its alweys scary everytime, even though i know its just anxiety i alweys am super freaked out by it.

11-07-09, 18:33
I am mostly anxious in the morning and afternoon. At night I am usually relaxed. I get really anxious after eating lunch.

magpie girl
11-07-09, 20:10
mines night time and if i have an attack when i fall asleep and i wake with a jump, i know i will be anxious all morning.I will wake with a sudden fear,and dread and it will take me a while to calm myself.

11-07-09, 20:35
Mine is in the mornings. The battle against morning anxiety has been raging for weeks.

I'm starting to slightly dread mornings after the one I had today. It's the fact that I am alone, everyone else is asleep, my thoughts start to race and I am in the anxiety trap. I usually feel better soon after getting up unless I am experiencing a blip.

13-07-09, 18:04
yes mornings are the worst I wake with a dread of the day it gradually decreases duting he day till abourt 4 then goes I wonder why mornings seem to be worse .....any ideas

13-07-09, 18:45
definitely in the morning, a few minutes after i wake up, my heart starts to race and i feel nauseous. its horrible, because I always go to bed thinking "i'll feel better tomorrow" and then i wake up in a panic. coming home from work sometimes sets me off too.

30-07-09, 23:48
Varies. Some days I just wake up with it and it will build to a limit and stay that way all day. Sometimes it will just come on during work even though I've been feeling fine and totally distracted by work, and similarly will be that way most of the day. Sometimes the peak can be in the evening, perhaps because there are no distractions.

In the latter case I find I have to force myself to go for a walk or otherwise just get an early night to reduce the amount of waking time it can get me. Thankfully sleep is fine.

02-08-09, 13:16
I really only get situational anxiety, and it depends on what I am doing. If its something that I know will be even the tiny bit challanging - I get really bad stomach problems, fast heartbeat and I just cannot concentrate. If its super bad I feel like I need to get sick and run away. Usually when I confront the situation its better, its moreso the anticipation of an event. However, there is the odd occasion when Im in the situation and I start to think negativily. Thats when the trouble starts.

I'm flying to spain on tuesday with my whole family and my bf for the first time since panic has started. Im so nervous, its the exact scenario (not being able to escape) where I get bad anxiety. I'll have to take lexotan, I think. I'll t ry and distract myself, but who knows what will happen. I'll try my best anyway ....


03-08-09, 08:41
Mines mornings mostly, nothing to distract me and being tired or sleepy makes my anxiety worse for some reason.

Had a real bad nights sleep last night kept waking every 5 minutes, god knows how much sleep i actually got. but this morning my anxiety is raging and i feel like a zombie

09-08-09, 23:54
I find mine starts at that apparent dreamy bit in the morning just before I get up. After that it depends on how I am feeling about what the day holds for me. My biggest anxiety time is going to the pub with wife.

I don't quite know for the life of me why becasue it wasn't always like this!! I'm not sure whether it was due to the stress I was under in my part time job in a rescue service. It always seemed to be that when my mobile rang, I always seemed to be in my local to the point that the mere mention of going to the pub by my wife broke me out in a sweat until she also cottoned on that out of 18 people in the group I was always one of the first contacted and always on demand. As I was one of 2 senior members of the team, I felt compelled to go. She had no problems with actual casualty calls but normal run of the mill issues were starting to grate on her given the number of people in the team.

I can now appear to manage the anxiety in the mornings by practicing the Dr Claire Weeks method of accepting the thoughts to the point that I actually find myself laughing inside me when I let them flow over me. It sounds strange but I feel I am starting to get on top of the feeling to the point that I don't dread them as much now. Even today, I put myself into my dreaded situation to see how I felt and I didn't feel half as nervous or anxious as I previously did. It has taken a bit of getting used to Dr Claire Weekes method but it does appear to be working for me.


10-08-09, 20:59
I guess i voted in the wrong answer, but i'll try to explain.

My main problem with anxiety is the dizziness it causes to me.

In that sense, I feel great in the morning, a little worse in the afternoon, and even worse at night.

But even this depends on what I’m doing. If I am relaxed at the security of my home, I will feel less anxious and less dizzy.

If I’m outside, I feel a lot more anxiety and dizziness, specially in some specific tasks or places. Places with lots of people and noise are worse to me.

17-08-09, 23:54
hiya without doubt mine is defnatly in the morning i to feel ok for what seems like a few seconds then it all comes on it takes me several hours to then calm down i defnalty feel better in the evening and more like my old self

18-08-09, 13:31
I seem to get worse when I am tired but it can also depend on what is happening that day.

28-08-09, 22:01
mine mostly at night,or when everyone is gone to bed and i am alone,and at times its round 4 or 5 in the morning,once iv had the attack,i dont like talking to anyone,i get depressed,and i dont want to be in anyone's company.
dose anyone eslse feel the same?