View Full Version : Hi i am new

13-09-05, 18:38
Hi everybody i am new to this forum of which i am so glad to have found. And i am also new to panic/anxiety. It started 2 months ago while on holiday with my girlfriend. I got bitten on my leg which swelled up and then suffered my first ever panic attacks. I thought i was about to die. I spent a couple of days in hospital there and then came home. I had about four more big panic attacks and have now developed anxiety. My simptoms started whith the neck closing feeling and then pressure in my nose and temples and the worst for me the lightheaded dizzy feeling which i seem to get in the mornings till lunchtime?. My doctor has put me on a course of citalopram 20mg. I have taken them for a month now and last week i thought they were starting to work as i had a great 5 days with hardly a symptom i was really happy , but the last 3 days have been pretty bad. I dont know whether they work or does it take longer to work or do you still have the off days but more good days , i dont know.
I also have trouble gettting to sleep and staying asleep which does get me down. And i have lots of those what i now know are called thanks to this site as floaters in my eyes.
All this has come on so fast and i never new this existed.
I am still going to work which is hell. And i have been given an appointment date this month with the nhs mental health team.
I have started exercising and jogging and some yoga and i am joining a tai-chi class in a couple of weeks.
I would like to say hi to everyone here on this forum and has anybody got any suggestions to help me along.
cheers , Robbo

13-09-05, 18:40
sorry for the angry face , didnt mean that at all.
soz , Robbo

13-09-05, 18:52
Hi I have been taking antipressants for a week and a half. Like you, despite the bad start I felt much better in the first week and have recently had a relapse back to square one for no apparent reason. You are much further down the line to me. Like you I go into work (and do a good job - if I don't say so my self). I have no reason to feel as bad as I do but that's the nature of anxiety. Like you i have started to exercise - which does help in a subconcious kind of way. I hope you get some rest from this affliction and you don't feel bad all the time.


13-09-05, 19:08
Hi Robbo

Welcome to the site. I like you found it recently and sadly like yourself am a new suffer of panic attacks/anxiety.

I can't really comment on medication, because mine has been changed a number of times, the new lot I only started today, same meds as you.

You are doing really well to continue going to work - a real achievement - you must see that as positive, something to be proud of, keep reminding yourself of that!

I too have had floaters in my eyes, tightness of the throat to name but a couple of the symptons!

As with you, it is the lack of sleep that really gets me down, we are at our most vunerable at night, the mind can play havoc with you.

Think positive, read as much as you can on this site, it really helps.

Hope you have a better night tonight.


13-09-05, 20:09
Hi Robbo

Welcome aboard the forum and website.

You will get loads of support on here so glad you found us.

The medication won't cure you completely - you still need to work at the underlying issues and things like your thoughts etc. This can be done in time.

Hope you have had time to read some info on the website as well at www.nomorepanic.co.uk

I am sure we can help you back on the road to recovery.


"Nearly all happiness comes into our lives through doors we don't even remember leaving open"

13-09-05, 20:28
Hey Robbo,

Welcome to the site!!

Take care,

tracy x x

13-09-05, 20:35
Hi Robbo,

You're doing a good joh to help yourself .

It seems to be for most people a shift from all bad to mostly good that takes place over a few weeks that happens 2-5 weeks after starting SSRI's.

Have a think about you're spending your time dwelling on.

First Steps to overcoming Panic and Anxiety (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=942)


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

13-09-05, 21:33
Hi Robbo

Stick with the citalopram and they will work. I started them 11 weeks ago and to start with I was having good days and then suddenly back to bad ones again.

I had the terrible light heads/dizzy head with my anxiety but thats nearly all disappeared now.

I still have trouble with my sleep though and I have the floaters but apart from that I am feeling really great. Keep with them and I am sure you will see great results soon.

Take care


13-09-05, 21:34
Hi Robbo

Stick with the citalopram and they will work. I started them 11 weeks ago and to start with I was having good days and then suddenly back to bad ones again.

I had the terrible light heads/dizzy head with my anxiety but thats nearly all disappeared now.

I still have trouble with my sleep though and I have the floaters but apart from that I am feeling really great. Keep with them and I am sure you will see great results soon.

Take care


14-09-05, 00:08
Hi Robbo

Welcome to the site, you will get lots of help and total understanding. I am on the same medication as you are and after a few good days i went back a bit and that made me panic more. We have good days and bad days but eventually the good days out weight the bad days. It is hard i know and also a learning curve that at the time we do not value but the experience we gain is so valuable that it prepares us for the next rough blip we may encounter.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

"Life is a distance and to travel that distance you were given the strength and guidance to do so".

14-09-05, 11:39
Thanks everybody for your nice thoughts and words. Just reading them actually makes me feel a little better and more confident. I guess the hardest part is to keep thinking positively which i am trying but not very successfully at the moment . I am thinking more bad thoughts than good ones , but i will have to work at it. Thanks again for all your help and support.

14-09-05, 11:45
Hi Robbo,
Welcome to the site, I am on citalopram and they worked very well for me, it took a while, but they stopped my panic attacks completely, so it is worth persevering with them.
Take care
Trac xx

its "just a thought"