View Full Version : bleh. tingling/burning lips??

09-07-09, 15:13
ok this is my first post about something thats causing me panic but hey, it was bound to happen eventually.

Anyone else had this where you get burning itching and spider walking sensations spreading from the corner of your mouth? Its kinda like the same sensation as after eating something spicy but also super itchy and sometimes tingly or any of the above, and it does come and go by the hour.

could it be related to hayfever somehow?! Sinuses are playing up so maybe it's that? Or am I trying to explain it away as something other than panic. I know panic is involved because I've had about 3 mild panic attacks so far today.

The tingling has been going on for a couple weeks, but the panic is mostly caused by the significant other saying last night "oh this guy at work had bells palsy like you did, and now he's got MS'. Great timing, thanks other half. PS she doesn't know I have HA, I have my secrets!
I did see the doctor but he just said "maybe bells palsy again" which I know is rubbish because you dont just get tingling with bells palsy, you get a full on dead face.
So yeah if anyone can reassure me that'd be kinda helpful lol.

09-07-09, 15:25
The tingling has been going on for a couple weeks, but the panic is mostly caused by the significant other saying last night "oh this guy at work had bells palsy like you did, and now he's got MS'. Great timing, thanks other half. PS she doesn't know I have HA, I have my secrets!

You need to let your SO know about your problem. In an effort to relieve our anxiety, we can (or at least I have) make our SO's part of the problem.

In addition, if your SO knows, they can avoid certain subjects - like sick people at work.

09-07-09, 16:30
Have you ever had a fever blister? My lips feel this way for a few days then I get a fever blister. Stress can bring on fever blisters and so can illness so if you are suffering from sinus and stress....maybe you have set one off.

09-07-09, 17:27
Thanks for replies - yes I know I should tell SO..I will do this I guess. Its not gonna be easy to get my point across but I will try!!

@stressed32 yeah feels just like that (we call them coldsores in UK) but 2+ weeks and no blister, very odd. Doctor's first response was "thats a coldsore right?" but no coldsores came.
I dunno - maybe thats what it is though??? like a kind of frozen wont go away coldsore thing going on right here? umm maybe I'll go back to trying to ignore it :wacko:

09-07-09, 17:30
Do you guys have Abreva in the UK? That works pretty good for them. I start putting it on before they blister and I have had them never blister...I just assumed it was because I was putting on the medicine. Also, my Dr. here gives me Valtrex and that helps too. Good luck and keep us posted.

09-07-09, 18:58
I have had something similar in the past, it very hard to explain and when i told a doctor about it he didn't have the faintest what i was on about. For me it was a sort of weird sensation from the corner of my mouth, it made me want to constantly rub the area at the same time I also got very weird tasting saliva. Not sure if it similar to what you have but whatever i had just disappeared after a few weeks.

11-07-09, 22:28
I have had something similar in the past, it very hard to explain and when i told a doctor about it he didn't have the faintest what i was on about. For me it was a sort of weird sensation from the corner of my mouth, it made me want to constantly rub the area at the same time I also got very weird tasting saliva. Not sure if it similar to what you have but whatever i had just disappeared after a few weeks.

Yeah its not dissimilar to that! I hope it does disappear because it's bugging me lol. Sometimes I wish my Dr would admit if he has no idea what I'm talking about too. Hehehe.
Thanks for that.