View Full Version : Just got back from doctors re mole

09-07-09, 17:20
Thought i would keep you updated on My moles!

Just got back from doctors i freaked out in the surgery! (how embarrassing) Anway got him to check my moles and he asked a lot of question like has it grown or changed!then looked at it with some sort of light thing looked like a pen! He said that he thought it was a benign mole! the only thing that concerned him was the jaggared edge but thinks it could have always been like that.and he would refer me to the melanoma clinic if i was concerened or they could cut it out at the surgery as one of the doctors does minor surgery! This completly freaked me out so i turned round to him and said you think its melanoma dont you he said no as when he looked at it melanoma looks alot different underneath the skin and mine looks normal! He then said that he would like to see me in about 4 weeks now he knows what it looks like he can check if there is any changes! again this freaked me out why would he want to see me again if its normal? so again i asked the question you think its melanoma dont you? he then said no if i did think it was i would not offer you minor surgery and insist that you went to the melanoma clinic as minor surgery isnt for melanomas as it is pointless!

So any way i am still completly freaked because i now know that he is going to say it has changed since last time he saw me!

Then i made him giggle as i new more about the melanoma clinic than he did!

do you think he is just humoring me untill i see him next then tell me it is melanoma? or is it normal to asked to go back in such a short space of time? ie he said 3 - 4 weeks

09-07-09, 17:35
No, it sounds like he is humouring you by agreeing to see it again, to be honest! Melanomas do look very different under the skin, and if he was the slighted bit concerned it was melanoma, he would have you off to the melanoma clinic. Four - six weeks is long enough to let it change if there are any changes to be seen. Why not take a picture of it, with a ruler under it, and then compare it four weeks later for further reassurance?

09-07-09, 17:35
Thought i would keep you updated on My moles!

Just got back from doctors i freaked out in the surgery! (how embarrassing) Anway got him to check my moles and he asked a lot of question like has it grown or changed!then looked at it with some sort of light thing looked like a pen! He said that he thought it was a benign mole! the only thing that concerned him was the jaggared edge but thinks it could have always been like that.and he would refer me to the melanoma clinic if i was concerened or they could cut it out at the surgery as one of the doctors does minor surgery! This completly freaked me out so i turned round to him and said you think its melanoma dont you he said no as when he looked at it melanoma looks alot different underneath the skin and mine looks normal! He then said that he would like to see me in about 4 weeks now he knows what it looks like he can check if there is any changes! again this freaked me out why would he want to see me again if its normal? so again i asked the question you think its melanoma dont you? he then said no if i did think it was i would not offer you minor surgery and insist that you went to the melanoma clinic as minor surgery isnt for melanomas as it is pointless!

So any way i am still completly freaked because i now know that he is going to say it has changed since last time he saw me!

Then i made him giggle as i new more about the melanoma clinic than he did!

do you think he is just humoring me untill i see him next then tell me it is melanoma? or is it normal to asked to go back in such a short space of time? ie he said 3 - 4 weeks

Why would he be humouring you over such a matter?

09-07-09, 17:39
the best way to diagnose a mole is based on the change in shape/space within a time. Whenever I've taken a mole to the doctors the first question is usually "has it changed recently" which is what he asked you. If you maybe said "I dunno maybe umm" or gave a confusing answer or something? then he probably just wants to check for himself.

This is more than I've ever got out of a doctor so you're lucky to get one who's willing to see you again in 4 weeks!!

Seriously dont worry.

09-07-09, 18:21
He wants to see you again to give you peace of mind nothing more.

They are not allowed to lie to you to make you feel better.

09-07-09, 19:16

I know i have been a complete nightmare but i really do think all the support given on this website is brill! i am going to try and relax and see what happens in 4 week's!

09-07-09, 20:05
You are not a complete nightmare at all :hugs:

09-07-09, 20:26
ah bless you thank you x

09-07-09, 20:53
I went to have moles checked couple of months ago as noticed change in size. They said had irregular pigmentationm which freaked me out and took it off few weeks after and then arranged to see me again in 6 weeks aftter that. Just got results back and were normal. They explained loads to me and checked out all moles. This has given me piece of mind for at least 2 weeks and I am back on them again thinking they she check it right! The nurse told me to check them every 3 months however back to every 3 minutes!!
Please try not to let it take over as I drove myself mad for the 6 weeks constantly worrying about it to find it was ok and then started on another one!

09-07-09, 21:47
I have to say that my doctor is wonderful i actually think he looks forward to my visits as he always has a smile for me! and think he giggles to him self when i freak out! he even said to me today that i have exaggerated reations to every thing he says! like today when he was checking my mole i thought i was going to be sick with panic and when he got his light out again just to double check he nearly had to peel me of the celin)but he said this was part of my anxiety. even when i made him promise he wasnt lying he had a chuckle! and the fact that i new more about the melanoma clinic than him!