View Full Version : A diagnosis at last!

09-07-09, 18:57
Didn't know if this was the right section for this information but I just thought I would tell you guys.
I went to the hospital on Monday this week to see a specialist who deals with nervous illnesse's etc,and she seems to think I am suffering from M.E,I couldn't believe it when she gave me the diagnosis at the end of the assessment which took roughly an hour.This only consisted of questions about how I feel most days,my symptoms and how I percieve and tolerate people and surroundings,she mentioned me giving up my job at Tesco as she thinks it is too demanding and I just explained that I couldn't becuse of financial commitments at the moment.I have been allocated to a M.E.team and also a clinical pyschologist in September to help me with the emotional problems associated with this condition,the more stressed and sad I feel the more my M.E will flare.I just thought I would share my news with you guys as everyone who has read my posts and helped me,ie Bill,Donna,Psychopoet have enabled me to move forward with my anxiety and deal with the thoughts that crowd me at times,I will let you all know how I get on.

09-07-09, 22:28
Wow - well done you! I bet you feel relieved that you now have a diagnosis and know what you're dealing with. I hope you get lots of support.

Wendy xx

10-07-09, 02:54
ummm what's M.E.?

10-07-09, 03:18
Myalgic encephalomyelitis, or chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS), causes long-term - and in some cases debilitating - tiredness which is not relieved by rest or sleep.

Hello Mothermac:hugs:

I'm glad they feel they've got to the bottom of it because now they can work on getting you better!:bighug1:

13-07-09, 10:05
I am very surprised they diagnosed you so fast! I am still 6 months on having tests and scans to eliminate anything else before they will diagnose M.E.As there is no test to diagnose M.E it is a diagnosis of excluding everything else.

14-07-09, 01:03
I am also surprised that they mentioned M.E,but I have been to the doctor's quite a lot over the past 5 years with various things,i.e tiredness,palpatations,chest discomfort,anxiety,headaches etc,need I go on.The specialist I saw did mention she had spoken to my doctor over the telephone as well and they discussed me in depth and that was the conclusion they reached,I have to go back on the 10th of August so they may mention tests then,they did take some blood so we will see.