View Full Version : Tramadol

09-07-09, 21:00
Wow what a powerful drug it is!

Last night i came here because of my post op pain (Gallbladder removal) and was given advise, to be doubley sure i also rang NHS Direct who gave me the same advise...yes, you can take Tramadol with Paracetemol.

I had the best nights sleep i've had since my op on 30th June and i woke up pain free.......Great:D !!

Although i slept well and had no pain i did have a wierd kinda head, so decided to take just one Tremadol......One big mistake:huh: !

I have been a zombie all day and i'm still feeling off the planet now, i have thrown up three times and although my body has been craving sleep (due to op) i can not sleep for love nor money:weep:

I have reluctantly just taken 2 paracetemols to see if i can rid my head of this awful feeling and i have decided that i won't take any of my normal meds this bedtime as i am really freaked out.

One good thing tho.....i'm pain free:yesyes:

I guess that Tramadol does not agree me:huh: Anyone else with a simular story?

Trish x

09-07-09, 21:41
I was on Tramadol for my back and I hated it. I couldn't sleep properly as it caused me to 'scratch ' my head all night.

I could only take one a day as they made me feel so nauseous (and I thought the DF118 were bad enough).

09-07-09, 21:46
I must have tolerated it well then cos I was on it for about 6 months lol

09-07-09, 22:09
Nic you must have a strong consitution (s)!! I've since read up on the drug and it hasn't got a great deal going for it! Still not everyone is the same, but i'll be giving a wide berth that's for sure:wacko:

Nic was that link i sent you any good? It did me good for half an hour today, i was totally relaxed:D

Trish x

09-07-09, 22:12
Maybe I was so used to feeling rubbish that I didn't notice any other side effects lol.

I downloaded the link (not listened to it yet) and looked into it and you cannot reproduce it in anyway so I can't put it on here - shame really

09-07-09, 23:32
Aaawww that's a shame Nic, i did wonder about copyright:huh:


09-07-09, 23:37
Yeah I read all the T&C's and it says it cannot be reproduced in any form.

I will have a listen to it though so thanks