View Full Version : Chest pain & very scared, please help!

10-07-09, 01:14
I have pain in my chest on the left hand side, which won't go away. At first it was just an uncomfortable feeling now it's painful & I'm so frightened that I'm having a heart attack. I've been walking around trying to burp to see if it's indigestion but it won't go & is getting worse.

It's sort of on the top part of my left breast & sometimes feels like it's going into the middle of my chest. I have never had pain there before, it doesn't feel tight, it's not tension/anxiety, although it's causing me to be panicky because I'm so scared. I know I've had chest pain before but not there & not for so long, it usually goes away because it's wind or indigestion.

OMG so scared. Anyone have pain in this place before who can reassure me?


10-07-09, 01:59
hi elspeth
i have had pain in the chest in the same place you are getting it. i honestly think its muscular. or it could be gas hun. dont worry its not your heart. proper heart pain is not really felt in that area that u and i have it. so dont worry its not anything to do with your heart. hope this helps hun. i know what u are going through. when i first got it i was so scared but the doc told me it wasnt my heart
love debera :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

10-07-09, 03:45
Els I have it ALL THE TIME!. It caused alot of panic attacks for me for several months. I went and had every heart and stress related test known to man. I really dont think its your heart. My Cardio Doc told me that this wasnt the typical heart attack symptom but actually more of what he called active chest muscle contractions. I know how terrifying it is, believe me I just knew it was my heart. Have you tried just some simple OTC meds like Aleve? I hope this makes you feel better because as I said my symptoms are EXACTLY as yours and it can be scarey. Please try and let it pass cause it will.


10-07-09, 21:34
i have all the time dont think abont it and it well go away you well be ok am sure of it

10-07-09, 21:47
It is not a heart attack I can assure you of that.

Sounds muscular to me and stretches will help.

11-07-09, 04:02
Thanks very much for your replies. It did go away eventually! I did a lot of burping & realised that I had stuffing for the first time for years & that must have caused it!!

I often get pains around the chest area after eating or if I haven't eaten!! Also sometimes get fast heart rate after eating (talked about that in another thread).

Also have realised that night/early hours of morning are the worst for me with anxiety. I try so hard to just let the feelings wash over me & not get panicky about them but it's so hard!! Then I can't go to bed because I'm so friggin anxious & it gets later & later:ohmy: , then I panic more cause I've taken my night tablet which doesn't seem to be doing anything...............so I panic even more because the meds are very strong..........on & on...........panic.........If it ain't one thing it's another.............:doh:
