View Full Version : Struggling really hard with Panic attacks

13-09-05, 20:56
for the past few months I have been suffering from panic attacks. These attacks come out of the blue. The things I feel are really concerning me, and I have scheduled a dr.s appt to confirm whether or not I am dying.
My symptoms are
Fluttering feeling in my heart
chest pains,
my vision is often bothered by light and dark
difficulty breathing
numbness tingling sensations
constantly in a dream state (never ending)
trouble sleeping (day or night)
fear of having a heart attack, stroke, or a seizure
strange feelings in my arms and legs and hands
constant jitters.

I understand most of this sounds like obvious panic disorder symptoms. Yet I still have trouble believing I'm ok...and need to figure out how to feel "normal" again.
I'm really scared...and its beginning to affect my life...Its hard going out (I still go out) but I feel like I am getting worse...
Can someone help me?


Shannon Griffin

13-09-05, 21:09
hi shannon, all these symtoms are common I have had them all so many times. But they will go in time and you will be fine. Even after you see the Doctor you will not realy be convinced that you only have anxiety/panic, not many are. I asure you they are panic as I have had the same on and off for years. had many tests etc but still think I am ill. But beleive me it will go and well done for still going out once you start staying in and avoiding you get agrophobia and just add to the anxiety. hope you feel better soon. Vernon

13-09-05, 21:25
Hi Shannon

If you haven't been checked over by a doctor then that is good that you have got that booked in.

It is important that everyone who thinks they have anxiety does also get a full check over by a doctor as anxiety and panic can on some occassions be symptoms of an illness.

Providing he is happy that it is anxiety then all of these symptoms can be anxiety based.


First Steps to overcoming Panic and Anxiety (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=942)


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

13-09-05, 21:29
Hi Shannon and welcome,

As Vernon said, these are all very common symptoms associated with panic and anxiety, and I know how gruesome and scary they all are.

I'm glad you are going to see the doctor, but it takes ages for your mind to believe that these horrible symptoms are indeed anxiety and that you are not dying.

Your belief that this is the case will be enhanced by reading first hand stories on this site. It may also be useful to get hold of Dr. Claire Weekes books on the subject - perhaps your doctor will recommend a book too.

Don't feel guilty that you feel you may have to make a return trip to your doctor as we are all disbelieveing at first - I have been in an ambulance three times with just anxiety when I felt my heart was about to give up on me. Each time I was given the all clear.

Read and read and read again and this will eventually convince you that nothing terrible is going to happen to you. Read this site too. It all helps - its a kind of therapy, educating your mind, but it takes time.

As for the panic attacks themselves, I hope you soon break the cycle to stop this current series. Perhaps going to the doctor will do the trick?

Take Care,


And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance.
~Mark Sanders and Tia Sillers

13-09-05, 22:09
My biggest concern is this feeling in my heart, its like a flutter, followed by pressure and trouble breathing. Which causes dizziness, and a kind of dream mode that scares the hell out of me. Its so hard to shake it off, and I find it difficult to function...Does anyone else experience this in particular?

Thank you for your time

Shannon Griffin

13-09-05, 23:49
Welcome to the site and pleased you are going to see your doctor.

All the symptoms you list are what we suffer from anxiety. It is horrible to feel how you do and i know how you feel. Reassurance helps from your doctors. On one hand we want to be given a full bill of health then on the other hand we have to start to deal with the anxiety. We are all here to support you and do let us know how it goes.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

"Life is a distance and to travel that distance you were given the strength and guidance to do so".

14-09-05, 04:47
This may sound dum but you need to prove to yourself that your heart is in good shape.....daily workouts are the key...push your body every day with a cardio workout...push bikes are good ( I do rowing myself)
you have to prove to yourself I will not die...this is the fear that haunts us all hear....Prove it to yourself...keep on doing it day in day out...and you will come to a point were you will say....hay I'm not going to die these things I'm going trough are just part of me and I'll have to live with it


14-09-05, 06:06
Hi Shannon and welcome -
When I read your post I thought 'ok I've had that symptom..and that one...and that one - lol
I'm glad you are going to the doctor to get checked out.
I ended up at the emergency room countless times when I first experienced them thinking I must be having a heart attack or stroke or something horrible. Turns out it was all related to the anxiety and panic.
That's why this site has helped me so much. I see other people who have the same symptoms as I do and somehow it makes me feel like if he/she felt the same way and made it through then I can too. Know what I mean?
anyway, let me know if you need anything. We are all here to support each other :)


14-09-05, 07:06
hi shannon,

i think the 'dream state' you might be describing is usually refered to as depersonalisation or derealisation, if you type one of those words into the search, maybe you'll find some experiences you can relate to - that might help ease your fears.

you can get through this, keep on trying, keep in touch .. tc andrew

14-09-05, 07:40
Thank you all for taking the time to offer your advice, and comforting words. It has done so much for me already, and today was only my first day. I only hope that we can all continue to help one another and one day beat this thing.


14-09-05, 10:51
Hi Shannon

It's a real positive step that you are going to see your gp to get checked out. He/She will be able to talk you through what you have been experiencing and reassure you.

Like you, I have only been suffering for a short time, but it seems like forever, but with the support of my gp, (I have been put on medication and accept that I need help to manage the condition.) I know my symptoms are classic panic attack and I could tick all on your list!

I have since been referred on to a pyschiartrist for evaluation and he feels CBT may be of help to me.

I do hope your gp is supportive with you.

In addition, there are so many people on this site willing to help and give pointers based on their experiences, so keep returning and reading what is being posted.

Just as a thought, when something good happens, write in down and stick it on your fridge - it might help you when you are feeling low.

Good Luck to you and a big welcome


14-09-05, 11:10
Hi Shay,

You have come to the right place to chat about any concerns.
Everything you describe does sound like Panic however we are not doctors, once you have seen your doctor (who should put your mind at rest) then you can work at controlling your symptoms.
The more you think about it - the more you will feed your anxietys and get more symptoms (not nice). I know its not easy ,especially in the early days but you will get stronger.

Wishing you all the best


14-09-05, 21:15
hello shay
i have also been suffering panic attacks for a long time now and i also get most if not nearly all of the symptoms you get but ive noticed just recently the panic attacks i get all have different symptoms.

But when i first started getting them i thought they were also heart related but the doctors at the hospital after numerous blood tests and exercise tollerance tests and ecg's all came back saying everything was ok nothing wrong with my heart but even now i still have trouble excepting its not heart related when deep down i know its all anxiety/stress related even now everyday i get chest twinges and the docs have said that i could b worrying about anyting and not realising im worrying which sounds a little weired , its like tonight my left breast muscle cramped up only for about 2secounds (dont know what the muscle is called in men) and immdiately i though heart attack even though i know it isnt or hope it isnt.

but a PA has never harmed me yet apart from them making me really tired

i can sympathise with what you are going through and hope everything goes well and that your doctor can give you some good advice, but ive found these forums a very big help

all the best

There is light at the end of the tunnel its just fiding it thats the hard part