View Full Version : Hi my name is Ally

10-07-09, 03:02
Hi my name is Ally. I am a Children's librarian. I have been through a lot of things in life that have shaped my anxiety problem. I was told by a therapist in 2nd grade that I had OCD. It has come in all different forms. Germs, handwashing, Knives, Suicide, Death, Disease, any kind of health problem, then it was afraid I would develop an eating disorder, most recently I think it has been relationship OCD, but I am not sure. I was hoping to learn more about OCD and find out that maybe I am not so crazy after all. Nice to meet everyone.

10-07-09, 10:07
Hi Ally

glad you find the site, you are certainly are not crazy,there are lots of people here who share your problem, and there are many good listeners and lots of support.

best wishes

P x:flowers:

Veronica H
10-07-09, 11:43
:welcome: To NMP. You will find comfort and support here.


10-07-09, 14:18
hi alley
welcome to nmp :welcome:
like the others have siad you will find lots of support here...and make some good friends too.
have a really good look around...