View Full Version : latest swine flu news -may trigger

10-07-09, 09:03
i know this has been discussed previously but the news has changed everyday and today the news said more people are dying etc and i am really scared of the swine flu for me and my family. my problem is that i work in an nhs organisation and am the swine flu lead for it, so cant get away from the topic. but i find myself googling and obseesively checking all the news articles. i am in the UK and its the third worst hit place in the world and i keep thinking if i get symptoms i will just die from thhe fear!!!!
any rational advice??!!!

10-07-09, 09:50
I don't think I can give any advice, but from what i've read, its not nearly as bad as we all first thought. If you are a healthy person who gets swine flu, once you get to a doctors you will be fine. From what I can make out, it is mostly people with underlying medical problems, the very old and very young who are dying from swine flu. There is also a vacine that will be ready to go (in Ireland) in August. If its ready here in August, I'm sure it'll be ready in the UK quicker.

10-07-09, 10:42
Hi Neelam

You have an American flag on your profile lol.

10-07-09, 10:45
i know, cant be bothered to amend it. its bad enough trying to use this site to read messages whilst at work with everyone around me, let alone amend my own profile. if anyone asks i say i am looking at this site for research practices (lots of my work is in mental health)

10-07-09, 11:31
Just found out one of my friends was diagnosed with swine flu this morning. She was sent home with the tablets and has to stay isolated for 5 days, then should be right as rain!

10-07-09, 13:04
Its not as bad as people are making out unless you have other medical problems,are 65 a child or pregnant.The flu symtoms are very mild they are saying.:hugs:

10-07-09, 13:43
i know this has been discussed previously but the news has changed everyday and today the news said more people are dying etc and i am really scared of the swine flu for me and my family. my problem is that i work in an nhs organisation and am the swine flu lead for it, so cant get away from the topic. but i find myself googling and obseesively checking all the news articles. i am in the UK and its the third worst hit place in the world and i keep thinking if i get symptoms i will just die from the fear!!!!
any rational advice??!!!
................yes stop worrying.

See my other message about this and how few people actually have it.

The newspapers are dramatising it so people will buy them.

If you are working in the NHS you must know that it is not as bad as the press is making out.

10-07-09, 18:09
i share your concerns - i work in a hospital (which has a fair number of swine flu patients), am emetophobic and diarrhoea phobic and am scared stiff of catching swine flu. The scary thing is that I could have to encounter swine flu patients first hand and even though I'd be given the necessary protective equipment it doesnt help me at all.

Tamiflu wouldnt even be an option because of the gastric related side effects - nausea and vomiting are a HUGE no for me.

True nightmare....and this is before the dreaded norovirus kicks in again.
There are days where it all feels too much.


10-07-09, 21:45
I know what u mean - i keep telling myself it wont kill us but i am worried about my 3 yeard old son. could it be really dangerous to him, i couldnt bear it if something happened to him
choco x

10-07-09, 21:56
It doesnt help people like us seeing it every day in the newspaper and on tv.It gets on my nerves

10-07-09, 22:02
14 people have died of swine flu in 2009 in the UK, most of them in high risk categories I presume? Haven't been following it.

It appears there's no UK statistic on how many people yearly die of complications of 'normal' flu, but it's a *lot* more than 14, I can tell you that.

2,943 people died in 2008 from road traffic accidents in the UK, indiscriminately.

Drive safely, and dont live in constant fear of swine flu!

10-07-09, 22:33
I had to chuckle - the swine flu NHS lead being freaked by it! I know what you mean - I'm a teacher and spend at least half an hour calmly reassuring pupils that there is no need to worry, while being a tad apprehensive myself. I'm almost guaranteed to get it - in the Midlands, in a school with several cases among staff and students already. However, as others say, it's not supposed to be too bad, and I'd rather get it, and immunity, now than when it gets more virulent and serious. I am a bit sneezy tonight actually...eek!

11-07-09, 00:30
The only people who need to be concerned are those in the most vulnerable groups: people who have weakened immune systems (e.g. those who are ill or very old), and people who are experiencing respiratory complications or are otherwise physically weakened by illnesses.

The overwhelming majority of people who contract swine flu survive and recover within a week or so.

While any flu is unpleasant to experience and will certainly knock you off your feet, swine flu is currently mild compared to established strains of flu (for most people).

Even people who are very ill with swine flu will be expected to recover and will probably only require special care if they are in high risk groups.

Swine flu responds to some widely used anti-viral medication and these reduce the severity of some symptoms and shorten recovery times by approximately one day.

The United Kingdom should have enough stockpiles of vaccine to protect all vulnerable groups within months. By that time, many people will already have caught and recovered from the virus, which could mean they possess immunity to it.

The major fear is that the virus will mutate. Can anyone say "bird flu", which only a couple of years ago was the next doomsday virus that might mutate into the viral equivalent of Chuck Norris? When exactly was the last time anyone heard about bird flu?

There is no need to panic; panicking will only make you feel worse and will distress others around you.

The world is fighting back against swine flu and we will prevail. That's what humans do.

11-07-09, 22:10
I'd rather get it, and immunity, now than when it gets more virulent and serious. I am a bit sneezy tonight actually...eek!

This is another one I dont understand, no offence to your good self, its the latest media hype so I cant blame you for saying it.

But frankly in my limited knowledge of viral replication and mutation, there's several constraints regarding viruses - if theyre unstable enough to turn evil, theyre generally also unstable enough to fizzle out very quickly. SARS being the prime example. This, of course, assuming H1N1 does turn evil. Which would surprise me in the first place.

I believe this is purely the backpedalling of the media and global flu hype - "well ok it's not that bad, we overreacted, but erm...it might get worse and we might have been right all along".
Anything to keep the nation in a panic and divert us from the real evil virus - the media. LOL.

The only thing the media are correct about is that we will see a rise in flu cases in the autumn and winter. Like we do every year. lol.

(steps off soap box)