View Full Version : Strange thoughts....Anyone else?

14-09-05, 08:31
This may sound a little crazy but...Has anyone ever found themselves creating illusions in their heads? whether it be imagining something terrible happening to you, or just happening in general? For example. I seemed pretty calm tonight, then there I was laying down with my eyes closed, and suddenly imagined myself extremely swollen...It freaked me out and so that is why I am here now typing to you,...I sometimes imagine myself slowly turning into a person who is completely insane...Please tell me this is normal....


14-09-05, 08:48
hi shannon, often when im half asleep i find myself in some totally dodgy situation or getting killed .. i usually get myself up for a few minutes, the thoughts usually go pretty quickly .. you take care .. andrew

14-09-05, 09:42
Hi shannon was nice to meet you in chat last night you seem a nice person. As andrew just said I think most of us get this kind of feeling. My wife dont suffer anxiety or panic but I have even heared her say she has this from time to time. take care. hope everything goes well at the Doctors for you. Vernon

14-09-05, 11:00
Hi Shannon,

I sometimes imagining something tragic happening to me then i imagine myself being my own heroine and savng myself. I think this a lot but they are these strange moving images in my mind. Does anbody else reckon that this is normal or not? Cos im not so sure myself :(

"The truth is out there" Frank Gallagher, Shameless

14-09-05, 11:52
Hi Sannon,

When I was acute I had many strange thoughts, some of the thougths were sooo untrue and scary. This IS normal for anxiety sufferers.



When you fear something,
learn as much about it as you can.
Knowledge conquers fear.

14-09-05, 13:49
I think we've all been there at some points in our lives and not linked to panic, but now that we are anxious we take these thing much more seriously and try to analyse them in order to make some sense out of them, rather than thinking its amusing and simply moving on like many other people do.


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

15-09-05, 06:52
Hi Shannon -
I find myself thinking about the strangest scenarios too. Things that I know in my head will never happen but still makes me wonder what if.
I think that it is mainly because I am a worrier. Always have been and since the panic started I am an EXTREME worrier. So when I have nothing tangable (sp) to worry about I invent new odd ones.
It truely is annoying though - huh ?!!!


15-09-05, 07:30
hi shannon
i also get the strange thoughts and the weirdist one was when i was laying down in bed the other night i all of a sudden had the feeling that i was shrinking and it was terrible that led me into a panic attack and for some unknown reason they always seem wosre whe they happen while im in bed.
and also get the feeling that im going to go insane and even though im with my wife i feel so alone and that nobody believes me.

but it is all part and parcel of suffering panic attacks, i even asked the specialist where i have my CBT and she said its all negative thoughts and try not to think its anything serious

but it is really annoying though .

There is light at the end of the tunnel its just fiding it thats the hard part

april tones
16-09-05, 23:09
hi, i get this sometimes, imagine my self just starting to have a fit or something. love aprilxx


30-03-08, 18:08
Hi Shannon,

I have these ALOT and find that they are totally irrational something that i would never of even imagined before i started having panic attacks. I've only just started having these thoughts myself about a week ago, thats one of the reasons i came onto this site. I often feel surreal as if i'm going insane because of it. I thought i was alone. I'm so glad that i'm not.

All the best Kayz x x x x :flowers:

30-03-08, 18:21
Hey there.

I often do this. Usually I play with thoughts of doomsday happening all around me, or even commiting suicide, even though that isn't something I would ever resort too. It happens publically alot too. Leaning out a window, and then being caught in a vivid fantasy where I leap out without controlling myself.

I also get strange dellusional visions of all forms on transportation. I never know when I will suddenly start creating a horrifc account of the bus crashing or the car tipping over.

Its alot like derealisation to me. The mind is wandering in and out of bizarre forms of contiousness, where the imagination has no limits. But along with our anxious dispositions, the visions we find are terrible frightening ones, about death or losing control. But its not a perminant thing and its nothing to get more anxious about, however unpleasant it is for some.

Its part of having a vastly creative mind also. But in a better state of mind you could venture into more uplifting day dreams/fantasies or whatever.

Write down these things that happen in your mind, I think for one that will make you feel better even just writing to yourself... and then continue to get your emotions out on the page, begin to understand yourself better.

I hope you feel better soon! xxx

16-06-08, 03:47
Okay... So... Ive had bad panic attacks for about 10 years now. The one panic attack I used to have ALL the time was the thought of swollowing my tongue if I fell asleep while Im having a panic attack. I used to walk around holding my tongue with my fingers or just sticking my tongue out. Thank goodness my friend and family around me knew when that was happening. It would be me having a panic attack. So they would help as much as possible.

I not too long ago found out that my father and brother have had the same panic attack for many years. Since talking with them about it. I havent had one panic attack since about swollowing my tongue. I know its a silly thing to think about or be scared about. But, thats what panic can do to a person!

Now I just have panics about just about everything else that could happen to my body.

lucy devine
06-10-08, 01:46
hey... i am so glad that there is other people experiencing this. I get this alot when I worry to whether I actually exist or is it all made up, I had frequent thoughts that I would kill myself without realising. I also found it scary that I would create scenarios in my head that would never happen but I couldnt stop thinking about it.

07-10-08, 14:35
I to have had strange and scary thoughts. I have had mild anxiety for years. I am 47. 2 months ago I pushed myself to exhaustion and began having many of the symptoms listed on the symptom chart. The most uncomfortable is the irrational thoughts that come from nowhere. It bothers me, I know I would never do harm to myself or anyone else.

Does anyone have any advice how to handle them. I was told to not fight them and in time the will go away. Anyone else have any ideas?


07-10-08, 15:25
Hi shay this is completely and I mean COMPLETELY normal. Virtually everyone has thoughts like this at some point or another, for those with anxiety and panic they just tend to come a little more frequently. Funnily enough there is an article in this months Psychologies magazine about this very thing. Buy it and have a read.

Pooh x

10-10-08, 02:45
Hi Shannon, I quiet offen find myself daydreaming of a bad sittuation happening and it could be about anyone (me, my kids ect) its wierd cause it comes from nowhere. I just shake it off . My brother calles me a worrier , im sorry it happens to you but im glad now i know alot of other people do it. not sure why though! take care

14-11-08, 17:51
i feel exactly the same way as you and it makes me think i am going mad in the head. I get horible thoughts nall the time thinking i am going to die soon and feel like my body callapsing. also have bad thoughts about myfamily dying. i so scared sometimes do you fgeel the same?

13-01-10, 22:13
I often imagine horrible scenes were my family are attacked, i sometimes wake up crying because of it. I've never spoke of it to anyone, i thought i was seriously going mad. It helps to know this is common. John

10-07-10, 01:59
I am often dreaming about my parents dying. I find it really upsetting and do not know how I would cope if they did. Thoughts about myself are usually that I cannot breath. If the weather is hot it is worse - so staying very relaxed at mo and not pushing myself too hard and a really funny one was after eating some peanuts one night got convinced I was going to get anaphylactic shock reaction even though not allergic.

10-07-10, 02:21
Hi Shannon, It is perfectly normal to get strange thoughts, believe it or not everyone does at some time or other. The difference is..that people who suffer with anxiety tend to fixate on their thoughts and the more they do this the more they worry about them. I remember my daughter asking me to hold my youngest grandson while she ran to the loo, he was only a couple of months old and I had a terrible sensation come over me and thought I was going to throw him out of my arms. This terrified me and I worried constantly about it for weeks until my doctor pointed out that thoughts are just thoughts they are not actions just let them float in and out of your mind and try not to worry about them.:hugs:
Hope this helps.

Remember, your imagination is always much worse than the reality:yesyes:

20-10-12, 02:25

I thought I was the only one. I feel like this almost everyday, when I'm on my way to work sitting on a bus, whenever a tree branch hits the window I always feel like the window will smash and hit me. But it does not stop there, I them keep on thinking that the glass from the window will go deep into my skin and I would need to go hospital and would end up in a severe state and my family be near me and upset. And I think like this everyday and occasionally move around on a bus whenever it passes a tree. I feel the same whenever I'm under a bridge. It scares the life out of me and gets me very emotional and I can't concerntrate in work. I'm not sure if its some sort of anxiety or not and would like someones opinion. I'm only 20 and I feel like its taking over my life.