View Full Version : Internal investigation! anxiety high :(

10-07-09, 11:42
Today i had a doctors appointment in relation to suspected 'irritable bladder' while i was there he said that he would do an internal to check my womb and ovaries! He has also now referred me to a urologist.

What is the doctor feeling for, and can he feel abnormalities?


10-07-09, 12:30
I guess they are feeling for things our of place!

Not sure - I had one before too but never asked what they were looking for.

10-07-09, 12:53
No i forgot to ask my doctor what he was checking for, and i certainly don't want to look it up on google!!!

10-07-09, 13:24
Hi there,

I've had an irritable bladder all my life. My condition is called 'overactive bladder', which means that it contracts really strongly whenever it likes, and I have to go to the toilet maybe 20++ times a day!! Some foods, especially anything with caffeine, msg or artificial sweeteners, make it worse.
I have seen a urologist for numerous tests. I'm not sure that the doctor could feel anything abnormal. He was probably just checking to make sure all was ok internally, and now he's referred you to a urologist to find out the cause of your irritable bladder - and a urologist is the best person to do this. There's quite a few different tests that can be done, and a number of different medications now on the market that can ease the irritability. Rest assured that most cases of irritable bladder don't have any underlying disease causing the symptoms (although I do sympathise very much - it's the most annoying condition ever!!)
If you suspect that diet plays a part in your case, try cutting out coffee, tea, sodas, alcohol, chocolate, tomatoes, citrus, artificial sweeteners and msg, and see if that helps at all. There is strong evidence that bladder irritability is strongly affected by diet.
Good luck and please update!

10-07-09, 13:47
Thanks littlewren

Yeah its not great at the moment, trying really hard not to get to anxious about it all, as that makes it worse!

I get a pain just above the pubic bone after i pee, my doctor tells me that the bladder goes into a spasm! I get sensitivity in the bladder/pelvic area, some days are worse than others, and I can manage it. My frequency was around 8 times a day, but has settled down to 4-5 times a day. I am also doing what is called a 'bladder drill' holding on that bit longer to increase the amount of urine the bladder holds. I can do this some days and will pee every 4-5 hours. When its really bad its every hour!! I have stopped drinking tea/coffee/coke/Pepsi i do however like the odd Chinese takeaway so whether the msg in that does affect me or not i don't know!

I've had many blood tests, vaginal swab, urinalysis, and now an internal pelvic examination. All of which have come back normal. I have now to make an appointment to see a Urologist.

Thanks again :)

10-07-09, 14:22
I thought it was normal to wee that much.

I have been 4 times today already!

10-07-09, 17:47
I think if that is normal for you, its fine. For me I normally go 4-5 times in a 24 hour period. It did go up to 8 times, but I know it can be alot more. Now I get pain in the bladder after peeing, and it then becomes really sensitive when the bladder re-fills. I get supra-pubic pain, which isn't great at all :(