View Full Version : last 2 days have been ok. today?

10-07-09, 15:06
So I've this cyst that a few days ago, when I was in the grip of some bad HA, I convinced myself was laryngeal cancer.

So I've been holding a hot, wet towel to it for 15 minutes twice a day because I read that's home treatment for a cyst. Heat it up and the body will absorb the fluid inside.

I've been doing this for 3-4 days and noticed a decrease in size each day.

This morning, no size decrease and I'm a little depressed by this. I suppose it was unreasonable to assume I'd get up this morning and it would be gone - but I think some part of me was hoping for it.

11-07-09, 00:36
Wow... I haven't even heard of laryngeal cancer. Have you had your cyst checked by a doctor? There is probably nothing to worry about. They don't disappear overnight, I had to have one cut out of me by a doctor whose name might have been Frank Spencer. You probably won't get rid of one by holding a towel against it - if it is causing you concern have a word with your doctor. Cysts are nearly always nothing to worry about, so your doctor will probably only want to remove it if it is interfering with your life in some way like mine was (I couldn't rotate my shoulder cos of it -- it's surprising how often you need to rotate your shoulder blade when it's impossible to do so!).

11-07-09, 14:49
Wow... I haven't even heard of laryngeal cancer.

You learn all kinds of things when you have google, HA and time on your hands ;-)

Have you had your cyst checked by a doctor? There is probably nothing to worry about.
I have a physical in about a month and will ask about it then. I have a book about general medical advice which says skin lumps & bumps do not require a special trip to the dr if they are small, soft, moveable and staying the same size.

It recommends mentioning it to your dr the next time you see them and not making a special trip.

This describes mine exactly. So I am determined to keep my anxiety in check and NOT run off to the dr prematurely.

My shrink agrees this is a reasonable course of action and told me - man to man, not dr to patient - that if it was him he'd do exactly the same thing.

Then he told me "don't be a hero" and suffer thru agonizing HA symptoms just to feel like I "won" over my HA.

They don't disappear overnight,
I've had some hang around for years.

I had to have one cut out of me by a doctor whose name might have been Frank Spencer.

I've had 1 taken care of like that.

You probably won't get rid of one by holding a towel against it - if it is causing you concern have a word with your doctor. Cysts are nearly always nothing to worry about, so your doctor will probably only want to remove it if it is interfering with your life in some way like mine was (I couldn't rotate my shoulder cos of it -- it's surprising how often you need to rotate your shoulder blade when it's impossible to do so!).I've read the hot towel approach can help the garbage inside of them dissovle and be reabsorbed by the body. Despite being non life threatening, they can get infected and require treatment. I seems reasonble to me that if I can get rid of it on my own, then I've got nothing to lose by trying.