View Full Version : upping dosage to 40mg

10-07-09, 15:33
I have been on and off citalopram for 7 years. I first started on 20mg which seemed fine. Came off it, obsessive thoughts came back and went on 10mg which was fine and from then on I used to just take 10mg and felt great. However I became pregnant and doctor advised me to come off them which I did, but the last 3 months of my pregnancy, my ocd flared up really bad and had intrusive obsessions about hurting my child. My son is now 14 weeks old and still having these intrusive obsessions, so exposure therapy cant be working! Anyway I took 20mg of citalopram throughout the last 3 months of my pregnancy, 10mg never did anything and to be honest neither did the 20mg but they wouldnt increase it any higher until I had my son. I am now on 40mg and to be honest had a good few weeks and feel like I have taken a step back this week. I upped the dose to 40mg 7 weeks ago now so I thought by now i would have seen an improvement in the obsessive thoughts slowly disappearing. My doc wont consider changing the meds until after 8 weeks and has suggested Ananfril which I know is the older type of anti D which I believe has more side effects.

Has anyone else experienced citalopram not working for them again when they have started it up again? I think I have been on and off them 4 times during the 7 years since i started taking it.

10-07-09, 18:15
This sometimes does happen when you take it more than once.It just stops having any effect.Make sure you dont go cold turkey on them tho.gradually decrease over a period of weeks ,before you take anything else.You cant sustitute one for another .Take care and the best of luck to you .Luv Suex:hugs: