View Full Version : New member, want to share my symptoms and experiences

10-07-09, 16:25
Hello everyone!,

Right ok, I just feel i want to let everything off my chest and shre with you the troubles i suffer from dealing health anxiety.

The thing that most annoys me about suffering from anxiety is that people who dont suffer from it just dont understand how crippling and deibilitating it can be. My mates just dont seem to get it, all they say is "what have u got to be anxious about?, your just bein soft" I often wish i could, for one day, just pass over the anxiety to them and see how they cope. Thats perhaps why i find this forum so comforting. To know that im not suffering alone.

My anxiety comes and goes, it has done for the past two years now, ever since i had a full on unexpected panic attack which scared the hell out of me. From then on i was convinced i somethiing wrong with my heart. The palpitations, chest pains, skiiped beats, fuzzy head etc......I hated lying down as i could feel my heart beating against the sofa or bed as that just got my mind thinking about it, which in turn leads to panic, and the scary symptoms and so on....

The fears about my heart have slowly aleviated over time. Ive been able to rationolise with myself about it. Telling myself that if there was a serious problem then someting serious would have happened by now, right? oh and i had two ECG tests done which came out perfect as well. I suggest anyone with the same fears should do the same to reassure them selves.

My anxiety has just returned. This time however it is coming in various differnt shapes and sizes. My thoughts are going crazy. I was so convinced i had a brain tumor. I felt as if the left side of my body was becoming weak and less coordinated, coupled with pressure in my ears and head i was convinced there was something sriously wrong with me. This fear has been dealt with by realising that all the symptoms i just listed are common symptoms of anxiety + at the age of 20 it is highly unlikely that i get a brain tumor.

The next worry was bone cancer. My left leg was getting tired and achy very quickly at work. The pain radiated through my feet and up my shin. And when i started to feel aches up my arms (left and right) i statred to worry about the thought of cancer spreading through my bones. Ridiculous i know, but thats the way a hyperchondriac mind works.

Another worry was, and still is whether i am suffering from some form of muscular wasting disease, or some form of degenerative disease. Every muscle in my body is so tight, i just have to tense my calves for a second and i can feel them cramping up (same with arms and fingers) my legs seem to ache so much faster at work at the moment, it really bugs me! does anyone else suffer from this at work? i work behind a bar so am on my feet all day, but the aches start within the first hour!!

Im also constantly tired, even with plenty of sleep, i feel very lothargic alot of the time. This just makes me feel more convinced ive got some form of cancer zapping all my energy up....it goes on and on

writing this has been really helpful, ive always found getting things off your chest helpful. Sorry for waffling on, but as you can tell ive been bottling up some serious emotions recently....i swear i could write on and on....but i wont


feel free to reply and add anything u want to this thread

10-07-09, 19:07
i know how you feel!! its so horrible.Its worse when your friends never support you but i am learning to deal with my thoughts and feelings in my own ways which are:

*listen to my fave music
*watch my fave tv shows,friends is a very good show to watch
*Exercise daily,play tennis foot ball etc (very difficult to do this in england because the weather is rubbish)
* Visit your fave places
*Go shopping
*Dont be alone too often
*Never GOOGLE your symptoms

10-07-09, 19:23
The thing that most annoys me about suffering from anxiety is that people who dont suffer from it just dont understand how crippling and deibilitating it can be. My mates just dont seem to get it, all they say is "what have u got to be anxious about?, your just bein soft"

Its like trying to explain the color red to a blind person. No matter how hard they try, they aren't ever going to understand it as you do.

This happens between me and my wife all the time.

Give your friends a break. Do the work to get your anxiety under control. In the long run, that will be better for you.

I often wish i could, for one day, just pass over the anxiety to them and see how they cope.

I don't. I honestly wouldn't wish this on anyone.

10-07-09, 20:49
hiya, i also have health anxiety, i have had it since i was little, ever since i can remember i used to get hot flushes, dizzy, sweaty etc and i got took to the doctors and he told me they were migranes however i never got a head ache with them, but i believed him, then it carried on up till work and it got worse when i got them, i couldnt even see out of my eyes, but i didnt panic at the time, the doctors said yep they are def migranes, now i know they are panic attacks, so cant trust my doctors any more, thats why im scared that i have something wrong with me, no one helps me get through this and i feel unreal all the time, so i know where you are coming from, thanks for your post as i can relate with you and feel a little reasurred

10-07-09, 21:14
welcome and I'd type more but feel a bit dodgy tonight

big hug x

Funky Mum
13-07-09, 11:20
That's exactly how mine started. I had a panic attack and it made me feel so vulnerable afterwards that now I just have the feeling of dread over me, of getting old etc.
I really don't know what to do about it, I'm upping my exercise as I need to lose weight and the dr gave me Lorazepam but I don't like taking them so have been having a drink of two in the evening (my worst time)
I get palpitations which I now am not so worried about, and he suggested beta blockers a while back but I think I need to remind him.

13-07-09, 20:58
my story is pretty similar, started as one "disease" then when i found out i didnt have that, i thought i had something else. i think we start paying way too much attention to our bodies, and if you are looking for something, you will find it, whether its really there or not. i worry most about the MND, and ALS, but really, if either of those were going on, a few months would be all it took to absolutely know with certainty that something was going wrong, and it would be more than just yourself that noticed it. our minds play tricks on us and we "percieve" weakness, and fatigue, but if it were serious, you would not be able to jog around the block, work a full shift, etc.

13-07-09, 22:07
My boyfriend as understanding as he has been can also be like why do u feel anxious as he never worries about anything and doesn' understand why I do!!
I constantly have something different wrong with me.
yesterday my chest got a bit tight coz I was anxious however I perceived it as the skin cancer I have has spread to my lungs!!! Even though I had been for a run and wasn't out of breath. In my anxious mind this didn't even make sense!!!

When I was at my worst with anxiety a couple of months ago, I would constantly feel worn out, aching muscles, weak arms and legs. Its just as our nervous system is drained and brings on these symptoms.

Tink xxx