View Full Version : Hello,I am new

10-07-09, 16:58
Well here goes....I have suffered from anxiety since childhood due to various difficult times. I have been on Cipramil for many years,but recently dropped down to 10mg and only taking one every 3 days or so,due to feeling i could do without them. Unfortunately,I am going through a really bad anxiety state,have upped the Cipramil to 20mg for the past 2 weeks,but still feeling very anxious indeed. Wondering if I will ever feel back to my happy self&how long the tablets will take to work? Also have very itchy skin around my torso,no rash,just wonder if it is to do with the anxiety or if there is something wrong with me.

10-07-09, 17:59
Hi Honey7

you are having more anxiety at the moment but that will pass, unfortunately i cant advise on the rash, or the tablets, as i dont take cipramil, but wanted to welcome you to the site, im sure someone else here can advise on these matters...

best wishes


10-07-09, 18:12
Hi Honey

same goes for me as P - welcome to the site but I don't take cipramil (take cipralex) so cannot advise on meds or rash!!! Sorry.

10-07-09, 18:12
Thanks Pollyanna,your reply was really kind. I am so pleased I found this site today...makes me feel less frightened and alone