View Full Version : My 5th cold within 4 months

10-07-09, 17:52
Why do I get so many bloody colds.
Surely its not healthy be getting this many colds in such a short time?

Well they may not be colds, but its the exact symptoms of a cold, Headaches, aching muscles and just generally feeling like crap, topped off with a bad throat.

I eat on average 4/5 of my 5-a-day fruit.
I drink only water, Around 2-2.5 litres a day
I get a decent amount of vitamin C

The only thing I lack is a lot of consistent exercise.

Im going to the doctors next Tuesday so will be mentioning this but was just wondering if anyone could shed some light on it here?


agent orange
10-07-09, 18:17
Can anxiety dampen the immune system? I read somewhere that it does.

10-07-09, 20:27
Anxiety can wreak havic on your immune system! It causes your body to produce cortisol, which can immediatly interfer with your immune system. Basically, your body is trying so hard to keep you safe because anxiety is a "flight or fight" mechanism that something must give.....and your immune system is the 1st to be compromised. Try to relax and keep taking your vitamins.

10-07-09, 20:44
How about allergies? When mine were completely untreated, I was getting a cold every 4 weeks that eventually turned into an ear or sinus infection