View Full Version : Here I am again....advise needed please!

10-07-09, 18:52
After having my gallbladder removed 11 days ago i have had one good day:weep: The keyhole sites have healed well and there are no signs of infection there, infact i'm only having slight pain which is to be expected and on the whole i don't think this is the cause of my concerns.

On Wednesday evening i did have servere pain and took 1 Tramadol and another again Thurday morning but i didn't take too well to the drug and was spaced most of the day.

Since then i have had Tinintus in my ears, i have been feeling sick (so unlike me!), acid reflux, horrid taste in my mouth, having sweating outbreaks but only with a temp of 37.5, my chest feels heavy, i'm unable to eat a meal and have been living on toast and the odd sandwich:weep:

I have seen two GP's and they seem to think its to do with my surgery and tell me 'it takes time to get over'......... but i don't think it is, i think there's an underlying reason that they are missing:weep:

I was up until 5am this morning because i couldn't sleep with the noise in my ears.........I'm so stressed out and feel so poorly...can anyone help me out here?

Sorry for ranting....AGAIN!

Trish x

10-07-09, 19:00
Did the ringing in your ears start after you had taken tramadol??? if so then this painkiller could have triggered it off as this is a possible side effect of strong painkillers.

It can take a long time for your body to adjust to not having a gallbladder as your bile goes straight into your intestine all the time rather than being stored and released when you eat and alot of people experience diarrhea (SP?)for many weeks afterward and feelings of sickness etc so its early days yet.

I would give it a month if things don't get any worse to see if it starts to settle if its side effect of having your gallbladder out. Obviously if you get severe pain or vomiting then don't ignore it!

10-07-09, 19:06
Thank you Countrygirl for your reply and yes the noises in my ears did start after i had taken Tramadol...so that could explain that.

Your explaination makes good sense, so thank you:)

Trish x