View Full Version : how to stop the panic

Sheila H
10-07-09, 19:04
I have sufered from health anxiety all my life - from a small child to now an OAP. This means I have tried the patience of my doctors and every "cure" known including anxiolytics, antidepressants both from GP and herbal, homeopathic remedies, herbalists, EFT, hypnotherapy, couselling, CBT, meditation, relaxation, alcohol, cigs, beta-blockers and exercise - nothing has worked.
This week so far I have had several heart attacks, head tumour (twice) diabetes, (which will of course cause a diabetic coma at any moment), and throat cancer.
So now I'm trying this in the hope that writing this stuff down will get it out of my system and/or that someone will suggest something I haven't tried so that I don't have to put up with this disability for the rest of my life
Any suggestions welcome!:wacko:

10-07-09, 19:48
Have you read any books or listened to the Claire Weekes MP3's?

agent orange
10-07-09, 19:57
well i want help to try and understand the somatoform disorder that i have with these real symptoms, because they're not all in my head, even though the doctor say's there is nothing wrong, but again these symptoms are very real.

10-07-09, 21:18
I have sufered from health anxiety all my life - from a small child to now an OAP. This means I have tried the patience of my doctors and every "cure" known including anxiolytics, antidepressants both from GP and herbal, homeopathic remedies, herbalists, EFT, hypnotherapy, couselling, CBT, meditation, relaxation, alcohol, cigs, beta-blockers and exercise - nothing has worked.
This week so far I have had several heart attacks, head tumour (twice) diabetes, (which will of course cause a diabetic coma at any moment), and throat cancer.
So now I'm trying this in the hope that writing this stuff down will get it out of my system and/or that someone will suggest something I haven't tried so that I don't have to put up with this disability for the rest of my life
Any suggestions welcome!:wacko:

Sheila, I could have written your post myself!! This of course means that I can't offer any suggestions:sad: that you haven't already tried. But it also means that I know how you feel...I'm nursing a painful jaw and ear at present and I've already decided it's very, very serious!

Sending you a hug :hugs:

13-07-09, 20:01
Have you tried Aconite 200c? Thats what i am taking at the moment. Onlhy to be used at the onset of panic. Or if its constant twice a day for 5days and then stop it and see how it helped and if you need more 1 a day. With homeopathic remedies its important to stop them as soon as you feel better.

13-07-09, 20:41
the best thing i can do is to "pretend" i dont have any anxiety problems at all. i force myself to get out and do things and try to focus on anything but the anxiety. stay busy doing things you enjoy, even if you dont enjoy them at first because of your state of mind, eventually your focus will change. go see funny movies, read funny books, laughter is the best medicine for anything...i promise. you may feel like you absolutely are not in a laughing mood, but its mind over matter and you will feel a million times better after you let loose a little.

14-07-09, 04:27

We all know how you feel. You just have to fight it...You are still going to have heart attacks and blurry vision and brain tumors and everything you can think of .. but grab the bull by the horns and know in your heart its all just make believe. Let it go. Just hang in there and bond with the people here and when you feel bad or have those feelings post on here and try to get over it..

Don't feel discouraged. I have been over anxiety and panic for almost two years now but still have many of the feelings that you talk about. It wasn't long ago I was on here posting many many post a night. The people here gave me courage and let me know I wasn't alone and then one day I just let go and said let things be things.

Other words.. Basically whatever happens happens. We cannot control destiny but we sure can fight feelings.. Good luck to you . We are all here
for you .