View Full Version : Menopause....?

11-07-09, 09:29
Those of you that have read my posts over the last week or so regarding my health since having my gallbladder removed on the 30th June will know that i believe my symptoms that i have have no bearing on this surgery.

I am now beginning to think that my symptoms are Memopause related, so if i may i'd like to share and hopefully get some replies as to what you think.

Ok when i was 39 i lost my leftside ovary due to a cyst bursting, the ovary couldn't be saved.

The following year i had to have a Hysterectomy and they told me then that they had left in my right-hand ovary but they did think it wouldn't last that long!

For a few years after i did suffer night sweats and was on and off of HRT patches, but it didn't agree with me so i stopped taking it. After a while the night sweats got less and until now haven't given the menopause much thought. By the way i'm now 54.

Since having my gallbladder removed 12 days ago i've been having many sweats during the day but my temp has not been higher than 38.6 and for most of the time when i have these sweats it's been in normal range of 37.3 to 37.7...so no fever or sign of infection.

I remember last week on a few occasions that when i passed water i was feeling pain in the right ovary area, that has now ceased....so now i'm wondering has my righthand ovary packed up for good, causing me to have these sweats???

Is it possible to go almost 13 years without any problems for it to rear it's ugly head again?

I hope there is someone out there that would be able to help, as i will then be able to cope a bit more instead of my HA thinking all sorts:blush:

Sorry for such a long post:blush:

Trish x

11-07-09, 18:39
Please someone answer me:weep: ...this is the worst part of the day for me and my anxiety:blush:

Trish x

11-07-09, 18:44
I would think it was still related to the op to be honest.

11-07-09, 19:00
Thanks Nic...roll on Monday when i can see my own GP cos i'm really freaking out about it!!!

Trish x

12-07-09, 01:12
It could be due to your surgery but if you still are producing eggs it could have been ovulation,I suffer horrendously with ovulation syndrome.hope this helps
babs xx