View Full Version : Hand tingling/burning, odd aches

11-07-09, 14:31
Hi, I'm new here and not sure this is all panic/anxiety related, but thought I'd share it anyway. It's a little long.

Some time last week I started getting little aches in my left arm. It shifts between the upper arm, lower arm and the inner elbow. Around a similar time (I'm not sure if it was before or after), I got a little pain in my right index finger (inside on one of the joints) and it was painful to the touch and if I lift things. Not long after that a bruise developed. Have no recall of injuring it though. However I did buy a new mountain bike at the weekend and could have been when I was lifting the bike in to the car or something like that.

The bruise went away, though the finger is still tender occasionally.

Anyway, I do a fair bit of mountain biking and went out on Wednesday evening to give the bike a thorough test. Some reasonably intensive stuff but no ill effects at the time. At home, had some food, watched some telly, and (as I often do), fell asleep on the sofa.

Then I wake up Thursday morning a 5am with the old "pins & needles" in my right hand. Just assume I'd slept on it, but it wouldn't go away. Hand was getting a little numb and cold. Ended up not getting back to sleep and the hand was still like that all day.

In the evening I started getting hot/cold flushes, feeling weak, the hand feeling cold again, but more of a slight burning sensation than the pins&needles. Hands were sweaty/clammy too.

Took some paracetamol, went to bed and it was a lot better Friday. Then I start getting aches in the arms and shoulders. Feels muscular to me.

So I'm thinking maybe a reaction to the bike set up and posture, maybe combined with the finger injury.

The odd thing is the weak feeling, sweaty/clammy hands and an empty stomach feeling.

Today, some of these have re-occurred. The right hand feels "odd". It's hard to describe. There's still tenderness in the hand to touch or when I clench it. Shoulder aches have stopped but the left arm aches have returned in little occasional twinges. Some slight sweatiness and the empty stomach feeling again (I'm eating enough though), and a more rapid pulse. General feeling of tenseness. Anxiousness I guess.

Okay, so a bit of further history. Sometime last year I had an event where I was driving home and getting some chest pains (I'd had them and arm aches for a while at the time), and thought in a slightly dismissive manner about what I would do if I had a heart attack. Well that blew it and I came over feint & weak. Managed to get home and found I had a massive pounding heart that I found terrifying. Called NHS Direct and they got me an out of hours appointment with the local Thamesdoc place (deals with Surrey out of hours stuff). Saw a doctor and after discussing it the thought was it was excessive caffine (I recall having 5 large coffee cups on the desk that day at the end of work). Told to try relaxing and all that and if I could wait, book an appointment to get ECG and bloods done, or if not go to A&E. Was too freaked out and ended up going to A&E and they did the tests and sure enough, nothing wrong.

Followed up at the GP in the morning, still with this terrifying pounding heart, and was given beta blockers (Propranolol) and just told to take a few as and when I feel the need. They sorted out the pounding heart. Further appointment was made to fit a 24 hour blood pressure monitor. All fine there, so that was the end of it.

I'm thinking that situation was more a panic attack than anything to do with caffeine. Likewise I think this may be also.

Trying to convince myself there's nothing wrong, but it's hard. I may try for a GP appointment for a general check up at least for some reassurance. Still got a big supply of the Propranolol so have taken a couple (10mg doses) to try and calm me down. Seems to be working a little.

Doesn't help that there's no one really to talk to, other than parents over the phone.

If it's all just anxiety, it's really annoying. I just want it to go away. Though I think there's a physical issue involving the bike/hand though that's a trigger.

11-07-09, 18:50
Was your finger swollen or anything? Maybe you got some sort of bug bite that you were having a small reaction too, which in turn got you all worked up. I had an carpenter ant bite my finger...it hurt something terrible. Was not swollen just red and sore...my entire hand and arm hurt for days.

11-07-09, 19:03
Didn't appear to be swollen. Just it went a bruised colour. I expected that to last a while but it dissappeared quick, so could possibly be a bite of some sort. That might explain the hot/cold/sweaty reaction.

Annoying thing is I hadn't consciously been concerned when it all kicked in. I was feeling fine after the bike ride and going to bed, then just woke up with this going on.

Have read a few things about bike handlebar grip issues. Lots of common stuff regarding nerves. Tingling / pins & needles are common for example, though usually during or just after a ride, not hours later.

Spent today convincing myself there's nothing wrong, and I do feel much better for it. All I have now is just sensitive finger tips.

Oh, and one other thing I wondered about is I got badly sunburnt on my arms a couple of weeks back (went to an airshow, slapped on sunscreen but forgot the arms. D'oh! :D) and this week it's all been peeling off.

Don't know really. I'm happy right now, just so long as I can keep it that way.

11-07-09, 21:58
I get this hand tingling burning pain thing a lot
Not got to the bottom of it yet, best I can assume is something like:

1) I get stressed, this sets the scene by tightening up the muscles in my arm and shoulders and possibly neck

2) I then go about my normal day thinking nothing of it, while inadvertently irritating the nerves in my arm or whatever

3) Then a day or so later...pins and needles with no apparent cause.

If you do work on a PC or whatnot, I've found that those gel rests help a lot when it's irritated. The problem is that once the tingling is there, just about anything seems to make it worse!!
Doc prescribed me ibuprofen. Cant say whether it works because I um..didnt take it. lol. Thats another story.
I find the best is to rest the arms as much as poss by being generally lazy until the tingling has been gone a couple days.

Hope this helps! Cheers.

11-07-09, 22:00
Oh, yeah, one other thing. Be mindful that once you start getting anxious about one symptom, i.e. tingling, the rest follow as anxiety. By that I mean to me it sounds like the sweaty clammy thing and hot/cold thing is possibly panic/anxiety and not related to the original complaint, if that makes sense?

11-07-09, 22:11
Yeah, that makes sense. I've had the feeling that it's all triggered off one thing i.e. the finger pain which is real and/or some muscle ache in the arm.

And yeah I work with PCs a lot as it's my day job as a software developer. I H&S have assessments at work for the way I sit, suitability and adjustment of the seat and all that. In fact, had one just a couple of weeks back.

I don't think that's so much the problem, but it's just the way I work. I do get stressed and tense at work, even though it's not technically a stressful job. It's not people or the work itself so much, but just the way I work and get intensely involved in what I'm doing. That could cause the arm aches which leads me to anxiety (doesn't help going round the net reading up on angina, heart conditions etc!). Then I get the finger thing which was real but riding the bike had maybe aggravated it and that's added to the anxiety.

Or something like that.

11-07-09, 22:21
funny coincidence. I was a software developer also, until relatively recently. :o)

Nothing beats the software bug blame game for creating immense levels of anxiety. Does this phrase sound familiar - "WHO WROTE THIS BIT OF CODE THEN?"

- It's why I put a stop to that career!!

in answer to your question, yes, stressed/tense limbs dont work properly. You may well have been tense/stressed/anxious before the bike ride. Then your stress symptoms create real symptoms. I'd bet that's what caused it.

Relax, give it a few days. The doc told me it can take about 2 weeks for nerves to calm down when irritated, and I can concur with that, so if you're unsure or think its getting worse or whatnot, it won't hurt to get it checked out with the GP in the meantime. Can't hurt to get a qualified diagnosis!


11-07-09, 22:44
Also remeber that if it truly is a serious thing it would get worse not better (i.e. Huge swollen finger that feels like it will fall of...not anxiety symptoms). So don't worry, worry dosent help anyways. :)

11-07-09, 22:58
funny coincidence. I was a software developer also, until relatively recently. :o)

Nothing beats the software bug blame game for creating immense levels of anxiety. Does this phrase sound familiar - "WHO WROTE THIS BIT OF CODE THEN?"

- It's why I put a stop to that career!!

lol, yeah, sounds very familiar. Especially as a contractor now having to pick up other people's code :D

I'd give it up if it wasn't for the money. Still would love to make a career out of photography, or skiing though. Just I'm no where near as good with those than writing dull software. Oh well.

Cheers all :D

12-07-09, 22:56
Okay, update.

Feeling fine today so got out on the bike today in an effort to avoid being scared to exercise. All went fine.

Get home and it's been many hours later but my heart rate is still a little higher than I'd expect. It's nothing major, but normally I've got a rest pulse of 60, but it's more around 70 to 80 and feel slightly light headed. This is similar to what it was when all this kicked in the other day.

Also developing a slight hot/burning feeling in my left arm.

Bizarre really. I start to think of high blood pressure, but (as I've got a BP monitor), the pressure is fine (127/77). Just the heart rate is higher than I'd expect and I can "feel" the beats throughout my body.

So trying to convince myself nothing wrong. There's no logical reason for anything to be wrong.

I can take some propranolol again to lower the rate which will make me feel better, but I don't want to start depending on it.

Edit: Thinking about it, and from one thing I just read from someone who does long runs, it seems perfectly normal. It's not like I have 100+ heart rate. It's just slightly above normal and this is probably perfectly normal depending on the level and duration of exercise and general fitness level. Probably it's always been like this when I've been out cycling but only now do I worry about it. Stupid.

Think happy thoughts... think happy thoughts.


14-07-09, 21:28
Update. Things weren't too good Monday so booked an appointment with the GP who I saw today.

That went okay, but generally just went through the "oh yeah, it's all anxiety" thing. Out of it I got a booklet about anxiety basically. Useful stuff, but it's no quick simple solution.

Went through the day at work mostly distracted by my feelings.

Got home feeling incredibly tired. Tried out some of the relaxation techniques in the booklet which includes lying down, eyes closed and doing some breating/muscle relaxation exercises. That's okay, but I then fell asleep.

You'd think rest would be great, but when I woke up I felt very light headed, especially when I got up, and now I'm worse than ever!

So back to hot/cold every few minutes, butterflies feeling, light headed, tingling fingers, heavy feeling. Just feel I'm going to feint any minute. Brief bit of tight chest with a twinge of pain.

Really trying hard to counter it, but it's very hard.

Just want to take something to make it all go away :weep:

15-07-09, 02:40
sometimes sleep and rest doesn't exactly help me because i get a lot of anxiety at night and i end up having weird dreams or restless sleep and then i wake up feeling weird and crap and head spinning and crazy thoughts. i dunno. anxiety never sleeps i guess.. you have to conquer it with therapy, relaxation, whatever it takes