View Full Version : almost had a panic attack

11-07-09, 14:53
i almost had a panic attack, was decorating my daugthers bedroom 5 mins ago with my mum dad n my mum shut the door (with us in the room) but the handle on our side doesnt work at the moment and wwe was all locked in and i s**t it, i thought i was gunna have a panic attack i kept thinking i have no water or tablets or anything in here, or chewing gum (for some reason it seems to help me catch my breath) so i started to scrape more wall paper off to take my mind off it and eventually after the longest 5 minutes in my life my dad took the door handle off and opend it lol i was thinkin of jumpin out the window.

thank god i wasnt on my own! close call :)

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11-07-09, 15:15
You may not realise this but you did really well. You almost had a pa but controlled it so you won. Well done

11-07-09, 15:38
yeh i didnt really think of it thiis way, but this is wat usually happens tho its like omg omg im gunna have a panick attack but most the time it never comes they do about 30% of the time maybe less, i think the main thing i am sufferin from is my breathing for some reason i seem to think i cant breathe (wen i clearly can) and i find my self making deep breathes all the time, maybe this is from when i used to smoke n i was used to feeling the smoke on my throat but now i dont n i think i aint breathing enough, and i am usually dizzee, or its liek being on a boat. if ii could sort this breathing out i think i would be able to cope alot better!
i wanna/need to be normal again as its making me miss alot on my daughters life. i get so angry about it sumtimes. i am fine wen i drink alcahol as it takes my mind off of it, but i know its not the answer.

sorry for typing all this crap, just needed to write it heh...

11-07-09, 16:41
The only things i can suggest for breating is brath in for 7 and out for 11, breath slowly into a paper bag ( i find macdonalds bags are good lol ) or if you dont have a bag handy cup your hands and breath into them. It helps sort your co2 levels out. You need to practise this breathing when your not having PA but be warned it can make you alittle dizzy when you start practising but it does help