View Full Version : Still so worried..ladies? :(

11-07-09, 23:19
It's this same under arm,breast pain..it is always on the left side. the side of my breast connected to the arm pit is sore and actually right under my breast almost at the bone is sore..And it is making my left arm feel weak and strange and I am terrifed it is breast cancer..

The pain worsens then dies down,coes and goes but it is always there I think and I dunno what to do. I'm only 22 :weep:

Does anyone else experience this? I think I will go mad if it is something horrible :( :weep: :weep:

11-07-09, 23:56
Sounds like you have probably pulled a muscle.

12-07-09, 00:12
i have had and still continue to have , pain in one or both breasts(it changes all the time) and moves around, can be gripping , stabbing or burning pain, it wasnt related to my periods, because it would just happen randomly and not in my cycle, went to the doctors she examined me and said it was nothing to worry about and gave me evening primrose oil which helped a lot, that was a few years ago, and i still have it occasionally, have you been to the doctors? or are you worried about going?

P x

12-07-09, 12:03
I get a pain in my left breast too. Have done so for the last year and I think that it is probably related to my period. When I mentioned it to my doctor she said any breast pain should be viewed in terms of when your cycle is. I never got breast pain before last year, but notice that it gets worse a before my period and then stops for a couple of days then just starts up again. Also I find it gets worse if I start prodding and poking looking for lumps!! It also eases if I relax a bit about it. Doesn't really ever go away as I am never fully relaxed.

Hope that this helps.


12-07-09, 12:10
I think you have probably pulled a muscle or something and also the pain probably seems worse because you are thinking about it so much.

I think they normally say with things like breast cancer it is less likely to actually hurt anyway xx

12-07-09, 13:35
Hello Wee-Mee,

I don't think you have anything to worry about, and as has been mentioned before, I am sure it is something to do with muscular tension. I have had this on and off for many years, and I do know how disturbing it can be. I find if I massage the area very gently - don't go prodding and poking - for a couple of minutes it helps to reduce the tension in that area.

12-07-09, 13:37
Thanks for the replies people. I'm just real worried..naturally :p

Adam,I don't think I have pulled a muscle cos it has been happening far too long,on off for over a year but has been progressively worse past few months.. :(

Pollyanna: I had thought it was related to my period also,like I do get really sore breasts when I am due my period but I have had this too like you say when I'm not due and it is just so odd,it moves about..Sometimes I have had to literally sit down and grab my boob in public because sharp pains just shoot right through me. And others like just now,it is just a dull gnawing pain and it feels like it is over the top of my ribs aswell now! It helps to lie on the side that is sore. I haven't been to the doctor but I am going to get an appointment tomorrow..My chest is away again with a tickly cough and I'm scared the doc will think I'm having "one of my episodes" and not look at me properly :weep:

forourfuture:YES! It does get worse prodding looking for lumps..I can't find a lump,thank God the way my mind works I have it that because I am rather and annoyingly actually large breasted,I am scared that there is too much tissue there to feel any lumps.. blahhhh :(

cassy:that is what I am holding onto just now..that cancer usually does not hurt but you know how it is with HA.. :weep:

When I got up this morning it felt slightly better and I had my usual cup of coffee and it literally just hit me again..

Could cofee be making this worse?

12-07-09, 13:38
Rosie.: thanks for your reply: I just get freaked out every time it seems to come back!I've had this for so long,it is driving me rather more crazy than I already am ;) I just wish I had a day no worry was evident :(

12-07-09, 13:47
I know it isn't a nice feeling, especially when the pain comes on sharp, and also when you have a constant ache. With me the ache seems to last all the while i am thinking about it. I have quite large breasts too, and I sometimes wonder if it has something to do with ill fitting bra. Most of them seem to be underwired these days, which doesn't help. Try to massage the area gently, and perhaps wear a soft sports bra for a while.

Don't worry Wee-Mee the chances of this being any sinister is very very unlikely.

13-07-09, 13:02
I can't pin point the pain,if that makes sense...it's just a rather strange dull ache and the left side practically down my arm too alll feels heavier :(

13-07-09, 15:23
I think it is one of those typical aches which is prolonged by anxiety and remains constant all the while you focus on it; I know it is difficult to break the cylcle, and there are times when it is impossible to tell whether it is anxiety driven or real. A bit of both I expect. People feel all sorts of aches and pains - which disappear in due course; it is normal, but because we seem to be hypersenstive to these sensations it is diffcult for us to let it go.

13-07-09, 16:14
i have had an ache in the same area top of breast near armpit.. i ahd the pain in both sides after being ill with an infection recently, the doctor said it was just tense muscle from all the work they have been doing while i have been ill... suppose it made sense he also did say the more i worry the less likely it will be to go awy soon :) hope u get better soon xx

15-07-09, 14:38
:weep: I was crying earlier on today and the pain is all down my left arm and shoulder into the left side of my left breast and armpit and when I press the bone right under my left breast it is agony. I am so worried.

I am going to doctors tomorrow but I am terrified. I am 23 in a few weeks and I just wish I could start acting it and being happy. I just hate this. I thought I had been getting better and I am jsut away back down again.

I am so scared I have cancer. It is sore sometimes when I breathe out and if I breathe out deeply It kinda hurts,it feel slike my heart is hurting if that makes sense. I sound like an idiot prob. I just keep listening to this stupid voice in my head. I dont know what to do.

And I did the bad G word.. and all sorts of stuff came up and it's messed my head worse :weep:

15-07-09, 15:11
I'm hopeless :weep:

15-07-09, 15:46
Hello Wee-Mee,

Don't worry, I get the same dull ache, left side of breast. It comes and goes and I find myself constantly rubbing and massaging to try and either stop the ache or feel for a lump. I can't pin point when it happens, and I'm a pest for prodding and poking which doesn't help! I'm putting it down to my cheap bras!!
Hold on to what Cassy said - my grandma and friend both survived breast cancer and they just happened to come across a lump, they both had no pain, and no feeling ill.

You will be fine x :)

19-07-09, 17:20
Okkay.. little update. I went to the doctors and I'm actually still none the wiser. I tried to explain that the pain got worse when I was due my period but that I have had it when not due period too and he mentioned about referring me to the breast clinic but then he felt about obviously which was embarassing but I think I got to the point that I didn't care,cause I jsut want to be better and as he pressed about in my left breast it was agony,the right one was too but not really anything bad,more like normal breast tenderness with period pains.

He pressed round at my rib,near my armpit and I screamed : O he got me to si tup and he pressed round my back at my ribs and some on the left side were sore and again he pressed a part and I yelped a bit. He said that it should die down and that it sounded maybe like my chest wall and that there were "no discreet lumps" there that he could feel and that boobs get lumpy when women are menstruating anyways but to go back in ten days time.. :(

My mum has the same appointment as she is switching to a new diabetic med that can help you lose weight which is now a new worry for me too..scared of the side effects of the "new" drug. Ah :weep: :weep:

So yeah..I'm still here with my pain and not knowing what it is,and worrying it is cancer xxxxx