View Full Version : worry wort, hi i'm new

14-09-05, 18:18
Hi evry1, just thought i'd say hello from OZ (australia)
I'm an old guy 50yo. Lately i've been hunting all round the net looking for a solution to my recent recurring PA. I had my first supermarket panic the other week, it was crap, ****** awefull. My dad died recently, however i think it's related more to the fact that i'm feeling realy isolated. I was on diazapam for 2 wks but have not back to the chemist to get the six that i'm allowed--don't wanna get addicted---i already take a psycotropic (avanza). I know that there must be some way to go with the panic and thereby disable it, just havn't figured that one out yet.

My heart goes out to those folks who panic in bed; this hasn't happened to me yet. I've spent the early evening here trying to figure out how to get a bit angry before i go out to, whereever. I believe you can't be angry and panic at the same time. Oh well! I've knocked off the booze now as well, I know it only makes it worse. Hugs everyone.

14-09-05, 18:56
Hey Thobbit,

Welcome to the site. You will find lots of advice and support here!

Take care,

tracy x x

14-09-05, 18:58

Im sure you'll find this site really helpful.Everyones really friendly and supportive

Hunny x:D

14-09-05, 19:10
Hi thobbit

There are lots of nice people here who will
help and support you.



When you fear something,
learn as much about it as you can,
Knowledge conquers fear.

14-09-05, 19:49
Hi thobit,

Welcome to the site!

Panic and Anxiety certainly have a tendency to make you isolated - not helpful is it?

But coming on this site is a really positive move on your part - it'll make you feel more at home with others going through the same stuff. Even though you are down in Oz, perhaps you can try out the chat room (accessed via the home page)

Well done for giving up the booze - try and avoid stimulants such as alcohol and caffeine to help you along your way.



And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance.
~Mark Sanders and Tia Sillers

14-09-05, 20:03
Hi Thobbit

Welcome to the forum.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

14-09-05, 20:24
Hi Thobbit,
Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here, you have started well by kicking the booze, well done.
Take care
Trac xx

its "just a thought"

14-09-05, 20:35
Welcome aboard!! :D

"Life is too important to take seriously" Corky Siegal

14-09-05, 20:53
Hi thobbit

im sure you will find the support you need from this site.


14-09-05, 21:13
Hi and welcome! You have made a good start with the alcohol.

Tam x

14-09-05, 23:15
Hiya throbit

Welcome to the site



Will I ever escape this?
Will I ever be free?
Wake me up from this nightmare.
Please just give me the key!

15-09-05, 16:52
Welcome thobbit6...

I only beeen here for a little while, but im loving this site.
i had lot's of support, and i know u will find the support you need right here. Keep your head up thobbit ;)


15-09-05, 16:57
Hi Thobbit

Grief can be the trigger for panic especially when its connected to isolation and lonliness or sudden thoughts for your own mortality .

Can you get some bereavement counselling and make an effort to try and spend time out and about with company and less time alone at this time


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

19-09-05, 21:50
One of the things my ex therapist used to tell me was that our nervous systems were "stupid" because we couldn't feel more than one emotion at a time (I'd call that smart). She said for this reason you can't feel panicky when you feel relaxed, so you should practice deep breathing to help relax you. I find it hard to do deep breathing for more than a minute so I try to force myself to get sad to counter the anxiety. Weird method, but it works. Now if we could all force ourselves to be happy?