View Full Version : what does your chest pain feel like?

14-09-05, 22:54
this is driving me mad and stretches aren't helping. Does anyone else feel like a squeezing sort of heavy pressure under their chest? Mine's usually under the left breast or in the center (not that i'm thinking angina or anything lol) It's really annoying and i can feel it sort of tugging when i walk around.

i feel loads better about heart stuff and don't wanna start with negativity again but when your worried your worried. Ive had chest pains before but they were like stabbing and stuff - different to this. This feels more like a cramp pain in chest and often gets the top of my stomach under the ribcage ( it can feel like cramp when i'm walking) any ideas? it tends to feel better when i lay down but i'm trying to get out more and its bugging me.

Also it sometimes moves to arm, back, shoulder, face so i'm thinking muscular tension but don't know - does anyone have the same?

thanks. linz

15-09-05, 02:08
I have the exact same thing. Its just really annoying. It feels better when I lay down, but when im like walking around in a store or something. It bothers. It comes and goes.

15-09-05, 02:11
yeah ive got the same kinda thing just now, dont worry will be ok i know its hard not to worry but the more you do the worse the anxiety gets and the worse the pains get so ive found.....will be ok


16-09-05, 21:05
Hi There,
Your stomach is on the left side and I surely get quite the cramp there and I usually take a tums or malox. I relate mine to gas.

Hope it passes soon,


16-09-05, 22:41
I had fairly continual pain in the chest which varied in intensity. It started mostly in the left side and was the pressure type. This did move after a while to the centre of the chest as well. The pressure type was with me for ages. However, I would get occasional sharp pains as well just to add to the fun!!
I also got it a lot in my left arm, left side of face, left side of neck (back and front) and developed a sort of weird pain/churning in my stomach after a while which would move about a bit but ended up kind of under the rib cage in the end.
I had continual heart attack worries which spiralled out of control and of course added to the problems.

I can say now that they've mainly gone. I've just followed all of the std advice i.e. improved diet, taken vitamins, more sleep, more relaxation, doing yoga, walks etc. and the main one of course of trying to change your thoughts. I found distraction very good but it had to be something that really absorbed me or else my mind would drift back to heart attack. (I took up the guitar which I'd always wanted to do and it works brilliantly for me).

I was still left with slight pains but after being recently kicked up the proverbial by Meg et al into doing "proper" exercise I have found that they have virtually gone.

In fact, I'm going to be bold and say it, I'm cured now!!!

Hope this helps and good luck,

Trev :D

16-09-05, 23:21
Guitar would be a great choice as Right sided brain activities actually doing something creative are more sucessful in drowning out the thoughts processes as it moves away from thoughts at all ..


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

07-05-08, 23:47
linz i was at docs today for same thing /symptoms/pains in chest, she reckon it to do with my anx etc, she listened to my heart etc, but said it was ok.

08-05-08, 08:39
omg i didnt think anyone got this i know they get chest pain but not just leftside crushing kinda pain just under left breast like a cramp kinda thing. ive had mine 3 times each time lasting for about a month and wearing of at the last wk (coming on going) .my doc says it my anx and muscle tension.


23-11-08, 13:15
Last December i had an attack of severe chest and stomach pain,i was taken to hospital,had all the check ups,ecgs and put it down to stress i had had in the weeks earlier and the pain had gone by then.In october i had another severe attack and was again taken to hospital,i was given oxygen for the pain and slowly the pain vanished although since i have had other attacks ,i was told on once ocasion it was indigeston and another musculer and to take paracetamol and use a hot water bottle! The pain is really distressing and starts off with a tightening of the middle of the chest and overall panic ,i find though if you divert your attention from it it goes!I am now on tranquilizersand oter drugs and hopefully on the road to a solution,i still get back pain and minor attacks.

23-11-08, 16:55
OMG Greyw & Trev you posts are exactly what i have had. Tightness in sternum that develops into a panic....then chest pain & burning. I have been diagnosed with GERD & prescribed omeprazole, day 3 & not bad so far.

Why is it heart problems are soooooooo scary?

I have an ecg tmrw just to reasurre me ha xx

22-12-08, 02:48
hey guys, im danny 28 from north wales, by chester . i cant find how to do a new post , but ile defintly add to the gang and come take a seat with you guys as im having heart pains, sometimes like a nausiating flush of dizzyness as well with increased breathing , it scares the hell out of me , ive been to hospital 9 weeks ago thinking i was ahving a heart attack , the paramedics have just left our house now, ive got a dull pain in my left side around my heart area the ecg reads im fine little spike that they said is noticable but nothing at all serious my doc and the paramedics say its stress probably and i have been given medicen for a hernia or something in my stomache , thing is if it really is stress and anxiety related why does it hurt like theres a big problem .'its so scary 'ima 28 yr old lad overwieght and docs said to lose wieght asap as im 16 stone and should be about 12-13 stone at my hieght, my partner who is 22 and younger doesnt seem to realise its seriouse pains and even argues with me when i ask her to be more aware of the things she says and does when my heart aches makes it 10 times worse she thinks im putting it on for pity or something .this is really scaring me now and i want these pains and dizzy feelings to go away .i try not to think about them but im going to bed soon and dreading it im going to feel it aching it is now and its to much for me , why me im going to the docs again in the morning to say yet again my hearts aching im sorry if it sounds familure to everyone elses storys but i need to say to people ''godaaam my hearts aching '' ..they did say on a good note tho if it was a heart attack or heart problem it would have made sure people know by now by probably inca[pacitating me or even killing me , omg just saying that scares the hell out of me just saying that ' well im danny pls message me bk if you get these pains ' what do you do to get rid of them , thanks for listning guys , dan

22-12-08, 04:03
my heart hurts almost everyday an achy feeling sometimes with little sharp stabs ecg shows nothing , oxegen is fine , i cant take it much more im 28 and all my friends and more importantly my g/f think im blowing it out of proportion ' if only they knew im scared to hell inside and its affecting everything i stay up to 5am because im frightend of the feelings i get in my heart when i get in bed ..docs and paramedics say ecg shows my hearts working fine ..its so scary guys i feel i may giv myself a heart attack with the worrying i do 'i used to be such a confident outgoing lad , now i sit in the house worrying about when im going to die ..if im fine ..why does my heart hurt so much its not normal

22-12-08, 04:05
omg its 4am , ive done 2 post on same page thinking there difrent pages, ah well guess you all see how worried i am ''duur ;) anyway im danny pleased to meet you all lol

nate schamp
18-02-09, 16:44
Hi Danny, how do you feel now, a couple of months on?

I've recently been through the exact same things you described, including a couple of fun trips to hospital in an ambulance: the first one, I went to see my GP, he took one look at me and called the hospital straight away! The second was a 999 job...

Gemma T
18-02-09, 17:09
I had that for months but dont worry. Try to relax and it will ease up. Its the whole reason i started getting anxiety attacks. I was under stress which caused the chest pain which in turn caused anxiety as i didnt know what was causing it. Now i have every symptom in the book.

When it rains it pours x x x x

27-01-10, 20:57
Hi all, just thought id introduce myself - im a 28 year old male, overweight - by a few stone, drink too much coffee / caffiene and have done things in the past that i shouldnt have. Had these attacks for about 24 months now. Originally like most, thought i was having a heart attack. Sharp pain in chest, tight chest, pain down left hand and jaw line. Breathing difficultys, but not all at the same time and never in the same order of occurance. The first time it happened I went and saw a homepath, who gave me something - which i think is the equivalent to whale saliva - this sorted out the instance of panic attacks. Last time it happened april 08 I had a different treatment - sulphur and have to say that this worked for me. I went again today after having 3 attacks in 2 weeks and have just taken my last sulphur tablet and am hoping that when i wake and goto work the feelings of stress, tension and general anxiousness wont be there. Its worked in the past and hte only things that have retriggered is by drinking too much coffee / caffiene or using things i shouldnt. Each time i have one of these attacks ive gone to the hospital due to the pain, and symptoms - think im going to keel over and die and to be honest the thought of dying at such a young age scares the hell out of me. Having had several ECG's telling me my heart was fine and once they took my blood to test for the ensymes that are released after having a heart attack - this being negative i was told to lay off all stims - no brainer really but coffee helps at work, doesnt it??!? Im going to try the straight and narrow now but without a shadow of a doubt, can whole heartedly recommend the homeopath. Find a good one in your area and give it a go..
