View Full Version : Tiny dark spot on arm

12-07-09, 13:45
I am going to Drs with this tomorrow and asking for it to be removed. I have always been covered in everything skin blemish you can think of its a family thing - skin tags - moles- covered in freckles- warty looking things that are not warts but they call them that and those cherry angiomas. My aunty has had malignant melanoma so I know all about skin cancer!

About 15 yrs ago i got a tiny tiny black looking spot on my inner thigh and the GP said it was nothing to worry about and its till there and no bigger so guess after all this time it was harmless.

About a month ago I noticed a pin prick very dark brown dot on my arm - its not raised and measures just one millimetre diameter and orginally I assumed it was same as I have had on my inner thigh but just read an article about someone who noticed a tiny black mark on her arm and asked for it to be removed and it was malignant melanoma but very early:scared15:

So now I have read this I am panicking about my dark dot - it hasn't grown in a month but cannot rest until I see Dr and hopefully get it removed.

I have just been through nerve racking time with peri meno dysfunctional bleeding and ovarian cyst and just got test results back that are all fine phew so had stopped worrying about that then this comes arghhh

12-07-09, 13:58
Oh petal I know the worry about moles! I was away having a mole on my leg checked as it had itched and it is ragged looking,my gp who referred me said it was flame shaped almost so there I was away to the dermatologist and he did his little magnifying light thing and he said it's not doing anything too drastic just now,what the f**k does that mean!?? And to go back in four months..so I keep checking it and it hasn't changed that much but I suppose it is better getting these appointments and getting them seen to and as you say.. the person in the article had it removed and yes it was malignant but it got removed very early so even if it WAS the same which I am sure it isn't.. you will be sorted in no time :) xxxx

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13-07-09, 10:35
Thanks wee mee. I went to Dr this morning and she shone the fancy light thing on it and said it looked fine and was only on the very surface. She said the light thingy was extremely good at showing any activity in a blemish. She also said they were quite happy to check any blemishes at any time. So just need to keep an eye on it and if it grows alot or bleeds etc to go back.