View Full Version : do i have swine flu ?

12-07-09, 15:01
hey am i just being paranoid or do i have swine flu? i got drunk last night and today i have a slight head ache every now n then a bit of belly ache feel tired and a feel a bit cold. i feel sick a bit also.

or is this just an hangover n me being bloody paranoid??
i have had hangovers b4 btw just never really had belly ache with them lol

pls some1 let me know im driving my self crazy and am scared to hold my daughter ect..

12-07-09, 15:15
Do you have a temperature? a cough? muscle aches? sorethroat? runny nose? D and V? If not then no you don't have swine flu, you have a hangover!
However, if you do go on to develop any of the above, call nhs direct or your GP who will get a swine flu team to call you.
Hope you feel better soon

12-07-09, 15:18
whats D n v ? n i dont ave any of them things lol

12-07-09, 15:25
if d means diarrior (sp?) then no i had a bit of a runny one lol sorry for the info haha feel so stupid but thats cus of beer i think as i usually do on an angover. im just being stupid and over reacting.
its all because my mate was with some1 who had swine flu a few days ago n he kissed em on the cheek n i let him have a bit of my drink lst night n im really paranoid about it! lol but he is fine nothing wrong with him. i hate my head.

12-07-09, 16:25
yes it is diarreah and vomiting. Alcohol can make you have diarreah the next day. Swine flu, is we must remember flu. It appears to be serious in some and not in others, which is in fact, like ordinary seasonal flu! Apart from the recommended hygiene procedures, there is very little anyone can do to prevent us from contracting it. Try not to worry to much. You could get it and deal with it like any other flu you may get at any time and wonder what all the fuss was about. I had flu a few weeks ago and just assumed it was flu, I did not go to the dr and apart from obvious cold and flu treatments, did not have any other medication for it. I have since been told by a medical practioner, that as it is not the season for a flu type illness I would have been confirmed with swine flu had I seen my gp. Every one in my household also had it. We are scared because the media are making us scared. Would you be so worried of ordinary seasonal flu? If you get it you will deal with it and if you don't then continue your life as normal.

12-07-09, 16:56
no i wouldnt, dont think ive had it b4. im not really scared of me getting it, well i am, but more concerned about my 1 year old daughter gettin it

12-07-09, 17:25
Now that I am completely with you on. I also have a very young child with some symptoms, and a confirmed case at his nursery, so I know how you feel. Be vigilant with the little ones.

12-07-09, 22:08
this is something i am terrified of, my 3 year old son getting it.
i get really panicky about it...
choco x