View Full Version : Help - cotton bud stuck in ear

12-07-09, 15:25
Embarassing really, but I cleaned my ear tonight (silly I know:blush: ) with a cotton bud and the end is stuck firmly in my ear. My husband can't see it and tried to get it out but it is stuck so far in there is no hope to get it out.

I will go and see my doctor in the morning (it is just after Midnight here in Australia) and I rang the health care number who said it will be fine to wait til the morning but I am starting to panic about it.

I'm worried if I go to sleep it will wedge further in, that an infection will start, that when I wake in the morning I won't be able to hear. The list goes on......

Someone give me something sensible to calm me down please.

12-07-09, 16:53
Don't fiddle any more with it,you will only lodge it further petal.

It WILL come out,please don't worry.

I get alot of ear wax and have stuck everything in my ear and my doctor actually told me that we do't need to stick anything in our ears,it isn't nescessary! Why did you put the bud in in the first place? Was it wax? My right ear gets clogged alot with wax and all I do is put some coconut oil in and lay on my side and let it bubble away and it softens it xxx